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  1. EDMO

    I have heard that the 5-foot-long Swiss mufflers are so quiet that you need a horn to warn people at the airport - only hear the prop - This is because they have the most restrictive noise regulations - you are quiet, or you are grounded!

    A friend of mine put a 2.5 Soob in his RV and added a muffler sold in the U.S that almost made his that quiet - it had some changeable baffles in it - cant remember the name of it right now.


  2. saskavid

    Weather on the prairies north of the 49th has been so crappy these last 2 springs.More often than not I've managed to have my plane up and flying in mid to late march and now...May 4 and I haven't spun the prop yet?If it isn't cold and wet its cold and windy and that pattern is interrupted by typical bouts of cold and dry! cold cold cold !

  3. jjbaker

    EXCuse mE!?!


    Thats not a GeeBee! That's a super duper ultra fast XLi GLX Super Bee with some Gee! ™ in it!

    The thing stalls at 189 Miles per hour and flying it is like taming a angry bush animal.


    I would know because I flew single engine fighter planes in the war. This thing, gents, is a completely different kind of flying, altogether!!!

    Just ask the pilot, he's holding on to that cowling getting ready for a turn, and that Schnulli (mouthpiece oxygen enhancer) is going on high gear!

    1 person likes this
  4. IFMT

    I used the concentrated heat of a plastic welder to soften the glue. Works not bad. Very much like a small concentrated heat gun.

  5. RDavidson

    One of my double puck calipers has both pistons stuck like Chuck! I got the other calipers pistons out by forcing air into the caliper. I tried it on this one and nothing happened. I tried soaking it in some WD-40, then some carb cleaner, and basically anything that eats corrosion, and they are still stuck!

    Any ideas?

    Has anybody tried drilling and tapping a shallow hole in the piston face, then threading a bolt in it to get some kind of turning force to break it loose?



  6. EDMO

    A lot of things get powder coated - including fuselages - I am just telling what the engine mount "experts" said, "Powder coating forms a solid shield, which may not show cracks in welds".   And, I have heard the same from others.

     Personally, I don't like PC, but guess it is cheaper than epoxy paint for sales purposes.

    That other coating - Anodize - that was put on aluminum - was not so great either, because we found corrosion under it on lots of propeller parts when we inspected them.


  7. wypaul

    Doug the tool that you are looking for is called a torque adapter, if you do a search for 11mm torque adapter it will come up. Expect to pay $10-15 bucks and you don't have to deal with the guys at the airport. I would send a link but this site doesn't allow me to send links from my computer and IE .

    Guess I can paste from the IPad.

  8. C5Engineer

    Very nice set up! I just clipped my Icom over the panel and put some velcro on the back of it. My key and ignition switches are right below it and I have no noise issues. I did start getting noise though after putting my Ivo IFA on. If my squelch is low I get static when I bump the pitch. Be sure to spend the money and get the Icom power supply that has the box in the line.



  9. EDMO

    7 hours to the Bahamas - in an Ultralight?   I thought Ultralights could only carry 5 gallons of fuel and be flown not farther than a few miles from the home airport?

     If he can get past the FAA rules and the ADIZ and the Coast Guard, then he has a good chance of being shark bait.........Hope it floats!
