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About 1avidflyer

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    Advanced Member

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1avidflyer's Activity

  1. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Have the forums all died?   

    Hi Jack,  the last two planes I picked up were on the Avid FB forum.   Both of them were for sale for a while before I bought them.  I guess the way to find the planes is to spend to much time on the computer looking at barnstormers and the airplane forums.  I actually wasn't really in the market, but this last one turned out to work good for me by giving me something to do over the winter while I'm in Alabama.  By the end of the month I will have to have it sitting on the trailer for the trip back to Minnesota, unless someone wants to take it off my hands before then.  JImChuk
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  2. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Harding Ice Field   

    Very nice, thanks for posting.  JImChuk
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  3. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Just joined the Fat Avid Club   

    Looks good!  stay at it and it will be flying soon.  JImChuk
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  4. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Fabric Question   

    Do you have any idea what paint/fabric was used?  Polyfiber would usually look pink in the primer (poly brush)  Does the paint dissolve with a solvent like MEK?  If it does, and the fabric is still in good shape, you could perhaps remove the paint with the solvent and once it's clean down to the fabric, reapply coatings.  Just a guess though.  JImChuk
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  5. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Avid C project in south Alabama   

    Not going to Sun and Fun,  I'll be back in Mn by then.   The way this project came about was I got connected up with the Gulf Shores High School aviation class a couple of years ago, and I am mentoring some students in the class on fabric covering.  I bought this project in Florida, and am working on it in one of the hangars the school has.  I like doing the work and helping the kids learn a little and it gives me something to do while I'm down here.  The class is building a Sonex, and rebuilding a Cherokee and a Sting.  Not much to do on the Sting really, brakes and cosmetics mostly.  It may fly in a month or so.  JImChuk
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  6. 1avidflyer added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Avid C project in south Alabama
    Hi all, I'm down in Gulf Shores Al for the winter, and picked up a C model Avid that needed to be covered. I'm almost done with both wings to the spraying stage. (the fun part) The elevator and horizontal stabilizer were covered and are ok as is or they could be redone as well. I'll probably cover the rudder in the next week or so. Plane has a 582 with a B gearbox on it. Hobbs meter reads 88 and according to the logs, that is accurate. Very nice trailer with new tires that pulls nice as well. I can drag it back to Mn in March and finish it, but the wife is not real keen on that. She once rode with me from Texas to Mn pulling my Kitfox 4 and said that was enough excitement for her... Anyway, if anyone is interested in it, I may let it go. private message me for starters and we can trade phone numbers for further contact. Here are some pictures, the one before picture I blocked out the faces of the guys in case they didn't want their pictures on the forum. It should be a nice plane once it's finished. It was actually built by a guy named Charles Lindberg.... (not that one though)     JImChuk

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  7. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Have the forums all died?   

    I'll give it a try to see if it works for me.  Here is a late evening flight picture.  Looks like it worked fine.  JImChuk

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  8. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Have the forums all died?   

    Well said Nick.  I've also heard of others who had a hard time signing up to this site.  JImChuk
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  9. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Have the forums all died?   

    Thanks for the reply, a lot of truth in what you say.  Hope you are able to get paperwork straightened out and you get to working on the Kitfox 4.  They are a nice plane.  I've flown mine some wheres around a couple hundred hours since I rebuilt it.  JImChuk
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  10. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Iceport 2025   

    To bad it's not a week or two later.  I'm out of town then.  I've been there a couple of times.  It was fun.  JImChuk
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  11. 1avidflyer added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Have the forums all died?
    Does nobody visit the site anymore or do they just all lurk?  Team Kitfox is almost the same way.  Even the face book groups have very few new posts on them each day.  Has interest in light sport aviation like our Avids and Kitfoxes provide died out?  I have thought that face book killed off the forums like this one and everyone had moved over to there,  but it's fairly quiet as well.  I know I miss the way it used to be here and on Team Kitfox 10 or 15 yrs ago.  JImChuk   (rant over)
    • 23 replies
  12. 1avidflyer added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Centering the vertical stabilizer on early Avids
    I suppose the title tells most of the story, I am rebuilding a C model Avid, and am planning to put a Jabiru engine into it.  The  vertical stabilizer is off set to compensate for the left turning 2 stroke Rotax props, and the Jabiru  prop turns to the right.  It is hard to get very much real life experience from anyone who has flown behind a jabiru with the stabilizer in the offset position.  I recall John Miller saying all he needed was a trim tab on his rudder with his B model.  Others have said otherwise.  If you have the flying experience or remodeled your stabilizer to the center, I would like to hear from you on your thoughts.  I flew my MK IV for about 600 hrs with the Jabiru, but it had the centered vertical stabilizer.  Thanks in advance,  JImChuk
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  13. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Repairing ribs and switching from cable to aluminum trailing edge   

    In the event that anyone is wondering how the C model Avid is doing, One wing is almost ready for spray coats and the other wing will go in the rotisserie shortly.  JImChuk 

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  14. 1avidflyer added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Repairing ribs and switching from cable to aluminum trailing edge
    Hi all,  I'm in the process of rebuilding an Avid C model.  It had the cable trailing edge on the wing, and a couple of rib tails were broken as well.  As the previous owner had bought aluminum trailing edge from aircraft spruce, I decided to put it to good use.  I ended up using some 5 ply 1/4" plywood for the reinforcements, basically added another rib tail on each side of the existing ones. I also laid in 5 layers of fiber glass cloth and resin on each side between the layers except where the flaperon hinge bolts on, and that left a gap between the original rib tail and the added ones.  The flaperon will bolt on just as it did before, but longer bolts will go through all 3 rib tails and sandwich everything together.  I would have used the 12 ply plywood, but the 5 ply was available and with the added layers, should be much stronger then the original, especially with the fiber glass added.  Added a wedge shaped piece that lined up with the bottom cap strip for the trailing edge to push up against and hold in place.  Also it gives some support to the fabric where it goes from the cap strip to aluminum trailing edge.  I trimmed down the bottom of the intermediate ribs between the long tailed ribs to where the bottom cap strip is.  (part of the 1/4" plywood protrudes through to hold the cable with the old system)    Anyway, this repair/remodel is hopefully of interest to some in the future who are wondering how to make the switch to aluminum trailing edge.   Here are some pictures that hopefully show how I did it.  I fastened the flaperon in place before I cut and fit the aluminum trailing edge.  That way the ribs didn't some how get bent to the side and not line up with the flaperon hinges after everything was glued in place.   JImChuk
    PS  fabric is not shrunk, and the wrinkles will go away with a bit of iron work

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  15. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Just joined the Fat Avid Club   

    Spring steel can be drilled of course, but some things make it easier.  Don't make a pilot hole first as that hardens the steel .  Drill with a drill press with a new bit at slower speed and plenty of pressure.  At least, that is what I read before I tried drilling tail springs, and it worked for me.  JImChuk
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