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About wypaul

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  1. wypaul added a post in a topic Adding dual brakes - Matco MC-1   

    Hopefuly this helps answer your question.
    • 1
  2. wypaul added a post in a topic Adding dual brakes - Matco MC-1   

    As you found out using two sets of Mc1 does not work for dual brakes.
    • 0
  3. wypaul added a post in a topic Is Leading Edge Airfoils out of business?   

    Interesting that’s the only 800 number I saw, they did have some other numbers listed but maybe those aren’t working either. 
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  4. wypaul added a post in a topic Is Leading Edge Airfoils out of business?   

    Apparently they sold out to Advanced Powerplant Solutions 800-532-3462.
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  5. wypaul added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    4th of July
    Wishing you all a happy July 4 that we may all remember how special our Republic truly is and how important the Constitution is to preserve it.
    • 0 replies
  6. wypaul added a post in a topic VMAX 600 Questions   

    The real question for me would be how much time I would be willing to spend to develop the concept and to prove it. One or two thousand hours added to the build time is probably a conservative estimate. 
    I looked at swapping a Yamaha Apex for my 912, which has been done many times, but ultimately decided I would rather be flying those many hundred of hours necessary to make the swap and work out the bugs after the install. Just installing EFI on my 912 required an unexpected change in the fuel tank plumbing at he header tank, major changes ion the electrical system, a modification of the cowling and many hours of flight testing.  Was it worth the effort, I like to think so but I can tell you that I have not encouraged anyone to do the modifications. 
    All of that said I truly admire pioneers that do take the initiative to step into the wilderness and follow their dreams.
    • 1
  7. wypaul added a post in a topic Wingtips Hoerner style   

    Thanks Chris, hoping to get some more information on them tomorrow. 
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  8. wypaul added a post in a topic Wingtips Hoerner style   

    Wingtips installed and now flying.  Acouple three mph slower on the stall, rate of climb improved, more testing to get definitive answer.  Ended up using plywood boxed structure to attach the tips in a flush manner.  I’m guessing I have 150 hours in the project.  Was it worth it for the performance gain, probably not but I had fun doing it and I like the way it looks.  The lower stall will certainly be appreciated in the back country and on my strip,

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  9. wypaul added a post in a topic Wingtips Hoerner style   

    Thanks TJ I remember seeing your post and that was a source of inspiration for my project!
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  10. wypaul added a post in a topic Wingtips Hoerner style   

    One tip filled and ready for sanding tomorrow.
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  11. wypaul added a topic in Avid Model IV   

    Wingtips Hoerner style
    I’m in the process of building some new wingtips for my Avid.  These are epoxy/glass.  I actually started building them a couple of years back and just now getting down to laying them up. The plugs are made from laminated pink building foam from Home Depot or the likes.  The shapes were cutout with a Hotwire knife. These will be built into wing tanks.  The nice part of the Hoerner tips is that they will increase the effective wingspan by over 30” without increasing the actual wingspan. What to expect according to available data is slower stall speed, greater climb, slightly higher top speed and greater range (time in the backcountry.  
    I can post photos as the project progresses if anyone has an interest.
    • 7 replies
  12. wypaul added a post in a topic Fuel tank issues   

    The nice thing about vinyl ester and many epoxies is they stand up to alcohol.  Both of those will adhere to the polyester the early tanks were made from.
    • 3
  13. wypaul added a post in a topic Do I have an Avid Flyer C, HH, or Stol?   

    Well the FAA will not fall victim to logic if they have a choice, that said I would request a 100 mile radius and 5 hrs.  
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  14. wypaul added a post in a topic Rotax 912 ignition issues   

    I noticed a post of a new owner on Rotax Owner with starting issues and a few years back I experienced some worth noting. This happened on a trip to Idaho after fueling and running on 100 LL.  ABOUT THE SECOND FUEL up the 912 would not fire at all. Finally changed out the plugs and it fired right up.  The fellow with me fueled at all the same places had no issues at all. The next time I stopped same issue. Running short of spare plug I found I could change one plug and the engine would start and run just fine.  Once I returned home and running on auto fuel, 91 alcohol free, no more issues.  To this day I do not know what was the cause but suspect some chemical related issue with the lead in the combustion chamber related to temperature of the burn.  Anybody else ever have this issue. I was not running Iridium plugs at the time.
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  15. wypaul added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Rotax 912 ignition issues
    Is there a new owner on here from St George having ignition issues?
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