Activity Stream

Activity Stream

  1. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic Magnum Rebuild   

    Awesome!! I just acquired a Magnum. Where are you located? You look close to me?
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  2. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a topic in Avid Magnum   

    Let's see those Magnum seats
    Hey Group, I just acquired my Dads Magnum and it has a bunch of pads for seats. What was the stock seat arrangement in the Magnum?  Does anyone have a set of Magnum Seats laying around? Pictures?
    Thank you
    Vance Simons
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  3. B757Rus added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    Not sure about horizontal stab,  the vertical is larger as in the later model 3s from what I have read to compensate for yaw issue.  I am still fairly new to the kitfox world and still have much to learn.  I do not have any information to gauge the changes from the 2 to the 3 other what the person I bought the kit from.  It's a 2 by sn 634 however it was modded with the III engine mount, 13 gal wing tanks and tail from the information I was provided. It was about 75% when I bought it.
    If anyone has the tail size increases from 2 to 3  I could compare.  Dimensions anyone ?  All I know is it is definitely heavier than reported 2s. 
    Your advise is sound and I plan on adding ballast and doing what you are suggesting. 
    If anyone out there has a 3,  what were your experiences and solutions ?  
    Many thank yous for the replies.
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  4. marcusofcotton added a post in a topic Avid Flyer MKIV STOL Build   

    Pm sent David.
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  5. Benoist added a post in a topic Adding dual brakes - Matco MC-1   

    yes it does, thanks!
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  6. wypaul added a post in a topic Adding dual brakes - Matco MC-1
    Hopefuly this helps answer your question.
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  7. Benoist added a post in a topic Adding dual brakes - Matco MC-1   

    Thanks for the answer… but any good tip on how to make it work?
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  8. wypaul added a post in a topic Adding dual brakes - Matco MC-1   

    As you found out using two sets of Mc1 does not work for dual brakes.
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  9. Benoist added a post in a topic Adding dual brakes - Matco MC-1   

    Sorry, digging up this old thread. I tried today to install dual brakes on my avid. I used two pairs of MC1 and it leaks on the top of the shafts!
    The link to the service bulletin mentioned above does not work: would anybody have a copy of it?
    if I make the mod, would it work with 2 MC1 in seriies or should I have one MC1 and one without reservoir as 109jb did?
    thanks guy for your support!
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  10. HoosierSMW added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Gear leg ID
    Can someone tell me what model this gear is from? It is currently on a Kitfox 2 but is not original to the aircraft. Thanks.

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  11. HoosierSMW added a post in a topic Advice on possible KF-2 purchase   

    Went up with the owner today. Takes off way before I'm ready and climbs like a homesick angel. Of course, I'm a 150 tail dragger type and not used to this light of a craft.  Love the airplane but definitely something I need to get a good checkout in. The engine shakes a fair amount under 2,700 - 3,000 rpm but smooths out above that. Does have an occasional hickup at cruise. Is there anything unusual about that? Seems like that typical for a 582 but would like more information from those who know? One of the wing tanks seeps fuel, (they have been trying to track down the source) that runs back to the trailing edge. It is slow enough that is evaporates before it can drip but I would like to know if it could damage the wood ribs or fabric. He is pre-mixing instead of using the oil injection. Any information or comments would be appreciated. I've attached better closeups of the reduction drive.

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  12. nlappos added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    Let me recommend a possible rope out of the tree. You can get airworthy by temporarily ballasting within the 14.28" aft cg, and then flight test your way back to the 16.0" I believe the larger horizontal tail and vertical tail will let you go farther aft because you will have more horizontal tail volume to control the aft cg.
    So temporarily ballast to 14.28" with weights hung on the engine mount. Then during the initial 40 hours test further aft by reducing the weight as you test the critical conditions (slowing to unaccelerated stall, landing flare, cruise speed longitudinal stability).
    All legal and all wise.
    How much bigger is your horizontal stab?
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  13. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Avid Flyer MKIV STOL Build   

    Welcome to the group.  Sadly it seems that face book has taken the place of the various forums, including this one.  It's a real shame, because of the wealth of knowledge available here by using the search options and of course asking questions.  Keep us advised of your progress, and remember, a dumb question is one that isn't asked.  (we love pictures as well)  JImChuk
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  14. dtan19 added a topic in Introduce yourself   

    Avid Flyer MKIV STOL Build
    Hi Friends,

    My name is David. I live in Utah. I posted this on the FB page, but thought I should cross post this here too for those not on FB. I just bought an Avid Flyer MKIV that I'm building. Thanks to all those that have built out before and created posts. It really helped me do the research and decide to buy an Avid. I'm super excited to build it out and innovate/improve where I can. 

    Also I have more parts than I need, so please let me know if you're interested in anything. 

    Parts available (might let others go, just ask):
    Model A-C speed wings with extensions
    1 - STOL Tank
    Speed wing tanks (1 good, 1 damaged but could be repaired if interested)
    Jury Struts
    Extra set of controls and some mixer parts

    You can follow the build series here:
    • 2 replies
  15. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    I don't think you file a weight and balance form with the FAA.  Can you show me different?  The best bet is to talk to the DAR you are going to use and get it straight from the guy who will say yes or no.  JImChuk
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  16. B757Rus added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    Crossing tees and dotting eyes. I haven't been to inspection. No DAR yet.  This issue has been a concern to me as I fill out my weight and balance form.  When calculating the adverse CG limits, I will be outside of the documented aft limit of 14.28, however I will be good if I apply the inferred limit of 16 in.  If my DAR looks at my W/B form and asks the question, how do I respond ?  I'm sure the inferred limit is safe, there is enough personal experience out there to show that, but nothing official. The experimental world is uncharted territory for me.  I live in the Part 121 world. I'm a little tainted. Everything is either in black and white or you're in trouble.
    I'm really looking for advice how to document this on the form that I will file with the FAA and present at inspection.  Just use 10.2 in fore and 16.5 in aft as the envelope and be done with it ?    B757Rus
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  17. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    I don't have a different letter.  I would wonder if this is really an issue anyway.  Has the DAR raised this topic or are you just trying to dot all the eyes, and cross all the tees?  JImChuk
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  18. B757Rus added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    The 30a revised letter I can download only includes IV models both 1050 and 1200.  Do have you have another version showing applicability for the M3? I know the download page says it includes m1, m2, m3, c4 but when you download the letter it only shows mIV versions.   I've see this issue hashed out in other forums, but no conclusive document was ever produced that I could see.  If you have a copy of the letter could you send it to me ?
    I sincerely respect your experience and advice,  I was just hoping for documentation in black and white. The way the service letter is presented contradicts itself. 

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  19. Av8r_Sed added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Kitfox IV -1050 Project For Sale $12,000
    Kitfox IV - 1050 Project Posted on Barnstormers:
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  20. Av8r_Sed added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Kitfox IV -1050 For Sale $12,000
    Kitfox IV - 1050 Project Posted on Barnstormers:
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  21. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    Well the service letter does list the early models.  Also, the Avid Flyer wing is almost identical to the early model Kitfoxes and it's rear CG is 16.5"
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  22. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Advice on possible KF-2 purchase   

    I'm a real fan of the Ukranian props.  I have two NR props on my Kitfoxes.  This guy sells the same props as NR and seems to answer emails much quicker.  I also think a two blade prop performs better than a 3 blade but is not as smooth.   I would email him and ask what he thinks.  Tell him your engine and gearbox plus it's for a Kitfox.  (tractor application)  Propellers and fans for everyone - Home (
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  23. HoosierSMW added a post in a topic Advice on possible KF-2 purchase   

    What prop would you suggest for this model?
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  24. B757Rus added a post in a topic Weight and Balance Issues, Ballast.   

    I saw that reference #30a in another post (LSaupe I believe).  I see in the download header they included M1 M2 M3 M4 C4  for the revised CG letter, however in the applicability section of the bulletin they still only call out  "All Model IV-1050 and Model IV-1200 Kitfoxes".    I'm wondering if anyone has clarification that the early models are retroactive to those limits as well.  If so, I'm golden.  Don't know if it's Skystar just not wanting to take responsibility (liability) for Denney planes. I would rather not have to add ballast and decrease my useful load.
    In any event I just want to be ready to prove to the DAR my numbers are within limits. 
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  25. 1avidflyer added a post in a topic Advice on possible KF-2 purchase   

    Looks like B gearbox to me.  That 3 blade Warp drive prop may be a bit heavy for a B gearbox though.  JImChuk
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