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About Chewie

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Hood River, Oregon

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Chewie's Activity

  1. Chewie added a post in a topic Funny Pics   

    I saw this over on the Bearhawk forum and thought you guys would especially get a kick out of it.  Anyone you know?

    • 3
  2. Chewie added a post in a topic Airdale build   

    Sorry for missing this guys!  I PM'ed you Rick.  Yes, still working on the wings, and it's all from scratch at this point.  Like Randy said, let's meet up in a couple weeks, I'd love to see your project.
    I haven't logged on here in a while - new site?!  It looks way slicker than what us Bearhawk guys use. 
    • 0
  3. Chewie added a post in a topic Portable STOL machine   

    Looks like a sexy machine. You're one step closer to ppg! Sorry, every sport has its bit of rivalry...
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  4. Chewie added a post in a topic Patrol   

    Randy, I bet I can triangulate that picture and find you next time! Glad you made it out before the heat wave set in.
    Still punching out ribs, about to start on the full size tip ribs and its off to something new!
    Hope all's well with y'all.
    • 0
  5. Chewie added a post in a topic Patrol   

    Progress continues... making 260 little angles to stiffen the wing ribs.  Easy but pesky little buggers...
    Found a couple interesting links below:
    A cross between an avid and a bearhawk?
    And there's one for sale!
    • 2
  6. Chewie added a post in a topic Patrol   

    Oh I know the rules Lenny, last thing I would want to do is keep you in suspense!  A link to some progress pics is right there, does it not show up?  Here it is again...
    Bearhawk Patrol.  Hmmm, or maybe try this  As you can see, I just started, so if you want to see a progress thread you'll have to keep this site going for another 10-15 years.  You really wanna do that??
    That's cool you're contemplating the 4-place.  I'm doing a 2-place mostly because 90% those extra seats would be empty.  The patrols have some nice performance numbers (plus a 32" wide tandem cabin), but what I really like is the designer himself is a phone call away.
    Hey Randy!  AWESOME as usual to see you here.  Coffee tastes better when you're in town.  Hope the rest of your trip went well.  Yup, I'll keep at it.  I just started on the short center ribs behind the fuel tank.  There's a false spar there that they butt up to.  Easy little things, but the hard part is getting my rivet spacing figured out (recall it's a metal skinned wing) so I can flute the flange.  There are only 4 of them, and they're much easier than the nose ribs!  Center ribs will be more involved.  I'm lucky to have an excellent mentor here in town, the same guy who practically built and restored everything in WAAAM.  Very generous with his time and sometimes he lends me something that he has 16 of, and then I give it back and he says "nah, merry Christmas".  "Tom! WTF I didn't come here to pilfer your shop!"  Next time you're here you gotta meet the guy.
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  7. Chewie added a topic in "other aircraft your working on"   

    Hello all,
    Sorry I have not been more attentive here; spare time's been eaten up going the scratch-build route on a bearhawk patrol (2-place).  But you guys still rock and you even have  a section for non-avid interests!  So here you go, for anyone who's interested.  I'll subscribe to this so hopefully if anyone chimes in I'll be able to respond!
    Carry on...
    Bearhawk Patrol
    • 6 replies
  8. Chewie added a post in a topic Airventure 2014   

    Kenneth I'll call you, maybe on Thursday.
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  9. Chewie added a post in a topic The end of the Pursang, an accident account.   

    Sorry, you can't end this thread so easily.  I thought I'd check back into this site (it's been a while), what a surprise to find your post!  Glad you are both ok!!  Amazing at both your abilities to stay calm and cool... way to make it through and be role models for us.
    I know the fuselage reinforcement was a serious consideration of John's, and I wonder if those changes helped at all.  Have you spoken with him since?  Sorry if I missed it in the thread.
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  10. Chewie added a post in a topic HKS on a HH   

    It's not Joey's fault.  It was my failed delivery.  You should've seen me in high school.  It was bad.
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  11. Chewie added a post in a topic HKS on a HH   

    I know Joey.  It was a joke.
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  12. Chewie added a post in a topic NEW FARBIC - NO PAINT?   

    January's Experimenter had a mention of the German stuff... guy says $75 / sq yd.
    See attached.
    Oratex info.pdf
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  13. Chewie added a post in a topic HKS on a HH   

    What kind of PPC has the engine in front??
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  14. Chewie added a post in a topic Can you Help a Brother?   

    If you have a video on youtube you'd like to use, I'm happy to download and edit it for you, just let me know.
    mfw_jack at yawho.calm
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  15. Chewie added a topic in Jokes   

    Think this'll work?

    • 13 replies