Allen Sutphin

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About Allen Sutphin

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/10/1955

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Webster Springs, WVa
  • Interests A&P, flyer, builder,

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Allen Sutphin's Activity

  1. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Skyraider   

    The Polini 303 engine that I tried to use was just too light for the CG. Just bought a rebuilt 503 to install. May be old tech, but still reliable as can be.
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  2. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Catalina with Hirth 2706   

    From what I am told, the 3203 (65) is a little overrated and the 3202 (55) is a little underrated on horsepower. The Gen 4 Jabiru 2200 (new) is also an option along with a couple more 4 strokes.
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  3. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Catalina with Hirth 2706   

    Hirth is close to pricing themselves out of the market. They have went up a few thousand dollars in the last couple years.
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  4. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Catalina with Hirth 2706   

    Hirth engines are pretty good. The big difference is that there is more info out there on Rotax and how to run them, than there is for the Hirth. Call Matt Dandar at and talk to him.
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  5. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Whoa... $50k for a FWB KF7 STi ?!!   

    Jim, the model 4 kit you have that I'd built was 9850 back in the day. With cowling and everything minus engine and prop. I think '91.
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  6. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Lost airworthiness certificate   

    Getting a replacement AWC is pretty easy if it's legally registered already.
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  7. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Kitfox 2 project start   

    Not an older model, it's the "classic" model. All Model 1. 2 and 3's are classic's along with the Avid series.
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  8. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic "WANTED" Avid / Fox   

    The days of the 10-15K Avid/Foxes are over for now! When I started (yes, they had airplanes back then) it was $50 per horsepower and $5K per seat. Now its over $200 per horsepower and almost $20K a seat.
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  9. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic New Rotax 670 Install   

    Because most only plan to build once and are not too concerned about replacement or just don't think ahead. Repeat offenders, oops, I mean repeat builders know the little tips and tricks of the game. 
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  10. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic New Rotax 670 Install   

    Glad you got it out. I've got the same problem except mine was welded in. Probably 3 days of cussing, 2 boxes of band-aides, and maybe!
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  11. Allen Sutphin added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Looking for a Hirth F-23 engine. Prefer pull start, carbs and redrive. But will consider any F-23. Thanks!
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  12. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Looking for a Kitfox nose wheel kit   

    Might take a little bit to find one. A full swivel one like the RV series and several others is easy to make and requires less modifications and weight.  It can be built into the engine mount fairly easy. A little backyard engineering and a few materials and you have it. Diff braking is a must.
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  13. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Hopefully new bird.   

    Weighed mine today, minus engine and prop. Came in at 164 lbs, including engine mount and inst panel. Leaves me 90 lbs for engine and prop. The Hirth F-23 supposed to weigh 74 lbs with redrive and exhaust so it will be close or a couple pounds over the 254 limit. But around here the FAA isn't hiding in the bushes and I fly out of a hayfield. 
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  14. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Hopefully new bird.   

    Almost the same bird, and nice looking. Getting hard to find now. About all the 2nd seat was good for was extra storage. I think I'll be very close to Pt 103 wt. 
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  15. Allen Sutphin added a post in a topic Hopefully new bird.   

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