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Everything posted by akflyer

  1. akflyer added a post in a topic Advice on possible KF-2 purchase   

    510 isnt too bad.  It has a lot more wing than the avid so it will have a little better performance in everything but cruise.  I have lots of time in a mod 2 and I think they fly really nice, just gotta keep your feet awake and lead turns and roll with rudder.  How many hours are on the engine?  What gear box?
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  2. akflyer added a post in a topic Flying again   

    Super glad to hear you are still with us and flying again!  
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  3. akflyer added a post in a topic Aircraft registration problems   

    I deleted all the other ones.  I would talk to the local FSDO inspector and see if he can help you out.  A local guy we had here was EXTREMELY helpful in cases like this.  Sometimes you can get a good guy, sometimes not so much, but it doesn't hurt to ask them if they can help you out.  You will need them or a DAR to do the airworthiness inspection anyway, so getting one or the other in the loop from the beginning can be VERY helpful to make the process go smoother.
    The flip side, do not expect anything to happen quickly in the current world we live in.
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  4. akflyer added a post in a topic Kitfox flaperon position question   

    Sorry for the spammer, I remove them as quickly as possible
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  5. akflyer added a post in a topic Gas’s springs for door closures   

    and the smaller diameters being more per foot than the larger ones just doesn't make sense to me.  I get the more popular sizes sell more etc. but when 3/8" of the same wall thickness is more than 3/4" its mind boggling.  How can more material be less?
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  6. akflyer added a post in a topic KitFox 5 Down   

    We have lots hours on lots of the Sensenich Ground Adjust props on many airframes and engine combos and have not had any issues.  I think there are issues when one takes a prop make for a rotax and puts it on a bigger engine that there are issues.  Look at the size of the hub and blade roots on the whirlwind or Sensenich for the lycoming or other legacy engines and you will see they are much beefier than the NR or others.  
    I wouldn't give up mine for anything, it's truly that much better in take off. climb and cruise than the old Borer that was the benchmark and go to for MANY years.
    • 1
  7. akflyer added a post in a topic KitFox 5 Down   

    damn, seems like an 0320 on a KF is kinda heavy for it.  Shedding a blade inflight could have knocked him out if there was plexiglass and cockpit contents 1/2 mile from the wreckage.  
    Kinda like WAY too many cubs, the pilot could have survived the crash, but the fire afterwards gets them.  This one looks and sounds like a single point landing on the nose.
    Sad to say the least.
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  8. akflyer added a post in a topic Gas’s springs for door closures   

    just for fun, plug in shipping to 99669.  Bet you really get a shock, no pun intended.
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  9. akflyer added a post in a topic Dean Wilson ‘40 Special’   

    If I remember right... wasn't that engine out of the first plane he ever owned?  Didn't he track it down, then designed the plane around that engine?  
    15K is cheap for that bird!
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  10. akflyer added a post in a topic CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEEP SITE GOING   

    When you make a donation, PLEASE include your username in the comments or post on here so I can update you to a contributing member.  
    Thanks folks!

    Some of you are not showing up in my search when I use the email addy on your paypal donation, so PLEASE shoot me a message if you donated but are not shown as a contributing member.
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  11. akflyer added a post in a topic CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEEP SITE GOING   

    I have not looked into a contribution button, I will put it on the list of things to do.  Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to help keep the site going, you have proven that Facebook hans't killed us yet!

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  12. akflyer added a post in a topic CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEEP SITE GOING   

    Thanks Mr. much appreciated!

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  13. akflyer added a post in a topic CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEEP SITE GOING   

    paypal works
    Thanks guys!
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  14. akflyer added a post in a topic CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEEP SITE GOING   

    Thank you Sir!  Site has pretty much been on autopilot but lately the russian hackers have been trying hard to get in and I have been busy in the background trying to keep the site up.  I think everyone has been hit hard the last few years $$ wise, but I will always do my best to keep the site up and running, even though it seems FB has taken over and replaced most forums these days.

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  15. akflyer added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Seems that there are a bunch of bots or spammers trying to sign up here.  I try to weed them out but sometimes one or two slip through.
    If you are legit trying to sign up, please don't try a user name that sounds like a 70s porn star, and don't have an email that is just a bunch of gobbled nonsense.  Gmail users seem to have the most creative ones that I have been blocking.

    • 1 reply
  16. akflyer added a post in a topic Possible scammers on site   

    I have not been approving some who are signing up that seem to be spammers or bots.  If you can PM me who it was that messaged you I will delete them.
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  17. akflyer added a post in a topic Wanting buy: IVO medium prop hub   

    I have one I won't be using, but I wont be home till around the 13th.
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  18. akflyer added a post in a topic Looking for MkIV 912 engine mount   

    I have built a few using the ring mount on the engine then my own design mount from the firewall to the ring mount.  Unfortunately, its time consuming even with the jigs I made to cut and cope the tubes then weld out the mount.  I get laughed at for the price even if I only paid myself 20 bucks an hour to build it.  No problem, go out and spend 3800 on a good tig machine, take the time to build jigs, buy the materials and teach yourself to weld.  I know its harsh, but there is a reason why people who have tried to build parts to support these planes have failed.  Everyone thinks that we should do it for the same price some dude in china is mass producing parts using shit materials and questionable welding practices can do it for.  Its not just a couple hour job to weld up a good motor mount.

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  19. akflyer added a post in a topic Running lean   

    Just seeing this.  I know Bob has a 503 or two sitting in the garage as well as a few 582s and 670s.  His son will be wanting to sell this stuff off in the near future.  LOTS and LOTS of KF parts, frames, wings etc from mod 1 -4.
    • 1
  20. akflyer added a post in a topic Could someone check something for me please?   

    only 1 end is adjustable on the avid so the front strut sets the dihedral and the one adjustable end will allow you to rig it for hands off flying should it be needed. 
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  21. akflyer added a post in a topic Could someone check something for me please?   

    only 1 end is adjustable on the avid so the front strut sets the dihedral and the one adjustable end will allow you to rig it for hands off flying should it be needed. 
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  22. akflyer added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Just a heads up, if anyone is trying to sign up and has a Gmail account, I don't think Gmail is letting the validation email come through.  I see quite a few guys that have tried to sign up but have never "responded" to the email.  If you are having trouble, shoot me a message and I will go in and manually approve you.
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  23. akflyer added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    lost another one
    Fair Skys and tailwinds to AKFlyerBob, he took that last flight west sometime last night
    chugs to all the memories, flights, and times your creations tried to kill me on the first flights I did for you I am sure my dad is waiting for you to finally get to talk about the good ol days in the oilfield.
    • 6 replies
  24. akflyer added a post in a topic How to keep the Catalina alive   

    better performance off the water and hauled a bigger load as well as overall more fun to fly.
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  25. akflyer added a post in a topic Rotax 582 cooling questions   

    The climb and drop is the thermostat.  Mine would open and close several times doing those swings until all the water in the system is up to temp.
    EGTs are directly related to the prop pitch as well so make sure you have a proper load on the prop and RPMS are not too high.
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