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About NorthIdahoAvidflyer

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/08/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location Post Falls, Idaho
  • Interests Ultralight Aircraft , Experimetal Aircraft, Tail Wheels, Back Country Flying, Airplane Camping.

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NorthIdahoAvidflyer's Activity

  1. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic Magnum Rebuild   

    Awesome!! I just acquired a Magnum. Where are you located? You look close to me?
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  2. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a topic in Avid Magnum   

    Let's see those Magnum seats
    Hey Group, I just acquired my Dads Magnum and it has a bunch of pads for seats. What was the stock seat arrangement in the Magnum?  Does anyone have a set of Magnum Seats laying around? Pictures?
    Thank you
    Vance Simons
    • 0 replies
  3. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic WTB 8" wheels   

    I have a set with lugs. 
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  4. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic Front castering nose wheel and main gear   

    Yes I do. 
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  5. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic Wider gear options for the IV   

    Sorry I am in the middle of finishing an airplane and already have another job in line after that. Between those and my regular job a have no time for another job. 
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  6. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic Wider gear options for the IV   

    David, this fuselage was damaged in a trailering accident also. It needs a lot of repair. I do not have the means to repair it at this time. Another year or so  and I should have my shop built. I have been thinking about building a Badass Stol plane out of it someday. Not sure what will happen with it. 
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  7. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic Front castering nose wheel and main gear   

    Not sure what the shipping would be up there. I'd have to take it apart and try to get it in some form of packaging. It might be easier to remove the front fork and wheel from the down tube and ship them separately. Not sure. 
    As far at the main gear they are no good to me without the nose wheel as the are a set. The Tail-Dragger gear is taller. If you don't want them I can throw them away. 
    Let me know if your still interested.
    • 0
  8. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Front castering nose wheel and main gear
    I have a set of used castering nose wheel and main gear off an Avid Mark IV for sale. $650 OBO. Someone needs this and they are hard to find. 

    • 4 replies
  9. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic For Sale Powerfin 3 blade 68" prop Rotax   

    I'm looking for a spare prop for my 912S. What can you tell me about this Powerfin? Could you send pictures?
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  10. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic 912 alternator in panel warning light   

    I'm running 4 of the new LED lights in my panel one of which is hooked to the 912 regulator. So far so good. 

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  11. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic Three blade Cool Prop for sale   

  12. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Hi from Northidahoavidflyer
    Hey Guys, I sold my Avid and have not been around the site in a bit. I'm building a Zenith 701 and hope to have it done late Spring. 
    I have decided to rebuild the Avid Mark IV frame I have once the 701 it done. I would like to lengthen and the fuselage and build a set of cool wings for it. 
    You guys take care and I'll be checking in from time to time. I hope you know what a great resource this site is for your type of Aircraft. Thanks to the Monitors for keeping this a great site. 
    Post Falls, Idaho
    • 0 replies
  13. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Three blade Cool Prop for sale
    Hey Fellas! I have a three blade Cool prop that was on the Avid Mark IV I bought. It was on a Rotax 912 UL. My uncle said it was the best prop he ever ran on the Avid/912. It is white and has P tips. He said it made less noise compared to the other props he had ran. Its a little used looking but it was flying up until I got it. If someone was interested I'd be happy to send some detailed photos and except a reasonable offer. 
    • 1 reply
  14. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic E04 elt   

    PM sent. Thank you
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  15. NorthIdahoAvidflyer added a post in a topic E04 elt   

    How about $300?
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