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About TJay

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/15/1981

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Sioux Center IA
  • Interests building, flying

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TJay's Activity

  1. TJay added a post in a topic Wingtips Hoerner style   

    Very nice work I have some of those too. I just modified the newer ones. probably not as nice as yours will be.  I do like the looks of them.

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  2. TJay added a post in a topic lift struts   

    on the kitfox they are .049
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  3. TJay added a post in a topic Dumb stunt....   

    I just knocked on some wood for ya Jim
    • 1
  4. TJay added a post in a topic SAVE the Ellipse!   

    Ill take it

    • 0
  5. TJay added a post in a topic Removing washout   

    The first issue I see is your poor glue joints from the wing rib to the spars will be so stressed they will eventually pop loose.  I would adjust your prop first and see if that helps.
    • 0
  6. TJay added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Bad news guys I talked to someone today who said ED had Passed away.   He was a fun guy to chat with on this forum and I am glad I got to know him.  I loved buying airplane parts from him they would always show up in an old rickety vacuum box of some sort. If anyone is interested in any of his projects I believe there is an EAA guy over there trying to help sell things. Im not sure how you would go about contacting him.
    • 6 replies
  7. TJay added a post in a topic Kitfox 1 ( highly modified ) build up   

    widen the thing out too it really helps
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  8. TJay added a topic in Avid fox flyers pics and vids   

    The perfect Jack
    • 2 replies
  9. TJay added a post in a topic Suzuki GB13BB engine   

    Aeromomentum  uses them and that looks like a good engine. No experience with them but that's my thoughts
    • 1
  10. TJay added a post in a topic Could someone check something for me please?   

    Model 1 length is the one on the floor vs Model 4 length installed not sure how it compares to yours.

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  11. TJay added a post in a topic Could someone check something for me please?   

    I have my kitfox set when I measure out 12 foot from root end I am 2 1/4 inches higher Hope that helps.
    You may have longer wingstruts if its scratch built.
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  12. TJay added a post in a topic New Rotax 670 Install   

    I bet an Avid on floats will be a blast too. Are you allow you to land on the small water reservoirs in the mountains? I always thought that would be fun.
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  13. TJay added a post in a topic New Rotax 670 Install   

    I bet an Avid on floats will be a blast too. Are you allow you to land on the small water reservoirs in the mountains? I always thought that would be fun.
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  14. TJay added a post in a topic New Rotax 670 Install   

    You weld it or glue it in so when you change springs in the field because they break first you don't need to take off the horizontal stabilizer to get your arm in there and try to hold a bolt.  lets be honest the only time that bolt will ever have to be replaces is when you re fabric every 30 years. And your right a simple inspection cover would solve all the issues but you also have to look at them.
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  15. TJay added a post in a topic New Rotax 670 Install   

    HaHaI put a spot weld on mine before fabric hope some one cusses me out someday too.
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