Wingtips Hoerner style

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I’m in the process of building some new wingtips for my Avid.  These are epoxy/glass.  I actually started building them a couple of years back and just now getting down to laying them up. The plugs are made from laminated pink building foam from Home Depot or the likes.  The shapes were cutout with a Hotwire knife. These will be built into wing tanks.  The nice part of the Hoerner tips is that they will increase the effective wingspan by over 30” without increasing the actual wingspan. What to expect according to available data is slower stall speed, greater climb, slightly higher top speed and greater range (time in the backcountry.  
I can post photos as the project progresses if anyone has an interest.

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Yes, keep us informed.  JImChuk

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IMG_0227.thumb.jpeg.ab851f84d1909dcfb948One tip filled and ready for sanding tomorrow.

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Very nice work I have some of those too. I just modified the newer ones. probably not as nice as yours will be.  I do like the looks of them.


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Thanks TJ I remember seeing your post and that was a source of inspiration for my project!

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Posted (edited)

Wingtips installed and now flying.  Acouple three mph slower on the stall, rate of climb improved, more testing to get definitive answer.  Ended up using plywood boxed structure to attach the tips in a flush manner.  I’m guessing I have 150 hours in the project.  Was it worth it for the performance gain, probably not but I had fun doing it and I like the way it looks.  The lower stall will certainly be appreciated in the back country and on my strip,


Edited by wypaul
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Wow that looks nice.

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Thanks Chris, hoping to get some more information on them tomorrow. 

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