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Posts posted by thebriman

  1. I have the bushings on mine just 5/16 4130 tubing with a 1/4 i.d.,  Joey a thought about running a die on that rod end.  AN bolts and probably that rod end to have rolled threads, not cut. The threads are actually pressed into the bolt shank instead of cut with a die.  It makes the threaded portion less susceptable to breaking as it doesn't have a sharp valley but a rounded valley between the threads.  I read in my aircraft maint books that you shouldnt cut new threads with a die as it makes the bolt weak.  Perhaps the same is true for chasing the threads. FWIW....

  2. I have two planes now flying on Grove gear.  They both behave the same. 

    The camber on the tires will pretty much stay where it goes on landing.  I.E. If you lightly touch down there will be some top out (positive) camber on the ground.  If you plop it down harder the camber will be from zero to slight negative. 

    Also I have found that if I turn the airplane around tightly, spin around on one wheel, the camber will go way negative. 

    For these reasons, I have gotten into the habit of after I park, I will lift up on one wing (at the lift strut attach point) to unload the spring, leaving it in the positive (tire top out) position. 

    I do the same larry. +1

  3. I'm a bit late on the yearly donation to help Leni with the cost of keeping the forum running.  For those who do not know, Leni keeps this forum online, and often must pay for things for it out of his own pocket.  If you find yourself on here often it would behoove you to donate a little cash to help him run it for another year.  See above in this thread for ways to donate.  Thanks Leni (Akflyer)  for doing your work on the forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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  4. I've changed the seal on mine last year.  Its a bear, the bearing in front of it is pressed it and difficult to remove without damaging it at 115 bucks.  I wouldnt change it knowing now what I know unless it was leaking a measurable amount. 

  5. I added a backup facet electric.  I never use it, only check its operation during preflight.  410 hours on this Avid, 200 mine and zero issues with using only the Mikuni pulse pump Rotax supplies.  But the electric is there if I were to need it.

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  6. This thing is seriously cool!  Cant wait to hear about the first flight as it sits now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :BC:

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