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About Avidventurous

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    Advanced Member

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  • Location Phoenix,AZ

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Avidventurous's Activity

  1. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Another catalina / amphibian on the market   

    Dang what a nice lookn plane!
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  2. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Quick trip to the glacier strip   

    Nice Pictures. BTW, our local CAF chapter has a DC3 that's called Old Number 30. Ha!
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  3. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Tech Puzzles   

    IF it is a short duration voltage spike, you might be able to suppress it some with a low impedance capacitor like a Mylar or something similar. 4.7 µF 50 or 63 volt might work. Put it as close the DC input on the radio as you can. Justathought
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  4. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Tech Puzzles   

    I wonder if the radio shutting off is an over voltage protection. I know nothing about the radio however that over volt could be a very short duration, not long enough to read with a meter for instance. I'm just guessing here, so take this with a grain of salt....
    • 0
  5. Avidventurous added a post in a topic FS AVID A selling for parts   

    wow it doesn't look all that wrecked. also the VWs do not like composite props. The impulse loading makes the crank go away. (Mostly because the aviation community is putting the prop on the WRONG end of the engine)
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  6. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Kitfox down   

    Damn. At least they survived.
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  7. Avidventurous added a post in a topic CopperState Flyin Buckeye AZ   

    Well, it's that time of year again. Starting 2023, copperstate is no longer associated with Buckeye Air Fair due to political complications.
    So it's only Buckeye Air Fair this year.
    I KNOW I can't be the only airplane owner in AZ..... come join us.
    • 0
  8. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Avid D Model?   

    Jim. I don't think my plane has any of the upgrades you mentioned. I'll try to get a look at it in the next couple days. I know it doesn't have the rudder pedal mods for instance.
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  9. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Avid D Model?   

    Interesting my model C has a serial number of 997. Not sure how that fits in here?
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  10. Avidventurous added a topic in Close Call's and dumb stunts   

    KitFox 5 Down
    Not much info available. Couple news links in the ASN article.
    • 5 replies
  11. Avidventurous added a post in a topic CONTRIBUTIONS TO KEEP SITE GOING   

    Just PayPal'd some $$. THANKS!!!!!
    • 0
  12. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Avid C Stol Rib Profile   

    The reason I was asking for this is I plan to make templates for the KitFox type rib tails. When I got my plane, one wing had ALL the Flapperon Hangerons broken off. I originally was going to fix them with wood and later decided I liked the KitFox aluminum setup much better.
    Since I am an EAA member, I downloaded (and plan to learn how to use) Solid Edge. Fortunately, our company has an ME that knows Solid Works and could probably help me get started with Solid Edge. Coincidentally we both share the name Keith.
    A big THANK YOU to Jim Chuk
    EDIT: If I get workable templates made for all the parts, I certainly will post them on the forum.
    • 1
  13. Avidventurous added a topic in Avid Model C   

    Avid C Stol Rib Profile
    Hey guys. I apologize for asking something so obvious but I looked for quite some time and couldn't find it.
    I"m looking for an Excel Sheet or table of plot points for a Stol wing WITH ribtails for the flaperons. A 1:1 drawing or template would help also. I"m pretty sure it's already in the forum somewhere but I can't find it.
    • 5 replies
  14. Avidventurous added a post in a topic Tubicles   

    Interesting. Thanks.
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  15. Avidventurous added a topic in Avid fox flyers pics and vids   

    This probably isn't the proper forum for this post. If so, feel free to move it.
    I thought you guys might be interested in an interesting quirk in hydrodynamics. I stumbled across this video on Utube. Please check out the first segment, although the rest of them are interesting also.
    • 2 replies