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About Avidbayoufox

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Houma Louisiana
  • Interests Aligators and airplanes

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Avidbayoufox's Activity

  1. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic Would you use it ?   

    Thanks. think thats what il do, altho would love to send her up first lol
    • 1
  2. Avidbayoufox added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Would you use it ?
    hi everyone just wondering, would anyone use this prop on a 582/532 and feel safe? Wanting to fly family and friends . Its a 66" type f powerfin.. is it worth sending to powerfin for repair? This is the only crack i can find but paint is worn on both edges of both blades.

    • 5 replies
  3. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic To all new kitfox owners looking for parts   

    Sory lol. I like the forum, Its great. I bought alot of parts in one place, paid what was asked. Even more in shiping. Im not one that will be not be satisfied. I never asked for a refund. the prop that i recieved is cracked. Im just getting to putting it on and reolized it is cracked. "Un useable" im new to aircraft. i admit its my fault. Mainly for not inspecting it the day i got it asap. Never even haggled. The reason for the one sentense was because i have many other things i was doing. just felt that id pass my experiance along.. 
    • 0
  4. Avidbayoufox added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    To all new kitfox owners looking for parts
    Hi i love this site helped me alot iv went from knowing 0 about aircraft to knowing alittle lol what iv learned from all of it watch what you buy and i mean it alot of these guys are the best coolest guys there are now when buying parts watch what you buy . get enough pics to satisfy urself that it will work for you if it offends them just let them be because ur holding the cash dont let them bs you look it up and actual prices for thoes parts alot of guys are stuck in the 90,s lol ive seen alot of the prices people give you will be what it cost new then you have to ship it if you dont do ur research ul get played i bought voltage a regulator ,prop ,exhaust system ,etc all shipped at my expense  not cheap at all or even reasonable all my fault just thought i could take another fellow kitfoxers word but at the end of the day its like dealing with a sherif what r u going to do but say yes sir ur wright because it is my fault for trusting and beleiving so much so word to the wise watch ur tail i dident and was took for alot of cash with broken out of time parts that cant be used safely on an aircraft its not about the cash its just thought this was a little safer place than that watch for the ones updating their old junk with new stuff all of a sudden the old junk starts shining like gold and they think thats what its worth so take it from someone who was burned watch it by the way no help to those old crappy parts ive replaced the parts with new ones and almost have my model 5 clone going and it looks great if people werent sutch a holes a younger generation could start but alot of old buzzards "just like bullies" wont let out info easily even tho things were alot easyier for them back in thoes days for everything getting lic etc and some act like it was so hard try putting a plane together with bunk parts sold to you by so called gods of the sport/aircraft    Good flying great forum god bless kitfox thanks to all will post pics when complete you guys know ur stuff just beware of bunk / junk parts cross country word to now commers watch for people with more than one plane odds are that ur getting the most busted up parts they have buy new its cheaper nicer not busted up warranty know what u got and get stickers lol and dont have to make bad blood god bless all thanks avid fox flyers 
    • 3 replies
  5. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic Looking for 582/532 belly radiator   

    Thanks c5 what are you asking for it i sent you something on messenger im looking to get it and have shipped to 70364
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  6. Avidbayoufox added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Looking for 582/532 belly radiator
    looking for rotax 532/582 belly radiator for kitfox in good shape would rather the heavy duty one thanks nine8five99132eight4 matt
    • 3 replies
  7. Avidbayoufox added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Kitfox raven tips?
    hi getting close to completing my project got almost all parts together in one place any any tips plz hurt my feelings lol il load more pics later today any sugestions on cowl thanks

    • 0 replies
  8. Avidbayoufox added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    1835 vw happi engine
    for sale or trade i have a 1835 vw happi engine with 10 hrs since overhauled 153 total hrs slick mag in great shape has happi case engine mount for kr2 in great shape dual ignition looking to trade for kf1 parts or rotax 532/582 with gearbox running mattnaquin1@gmail.com or call/text 9859913284 anytime thanks
    • 1 reply
  9. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic Kitfox FWF parts   

    What are you asking for the engine
    • 0
  10. Avidbayoufox added a topic in Technical tasks   

    Kit fox raven clone
    Hi i have a raven clone its 450 empty 850 loaded wondering if anyone can give me some info on what prop would work best 1835 hapi vw 60 hp front drive told it has to be a wood prop dew to engine pulsations so that it would not break the crank any info would help thanks 
    • 2 replies
  11. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic Kitfox for sale   

    Hi is it still for sale thanks
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  12. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic Parting out A model Avid STOL wing   

    Need any interior left
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  13. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic Parting out A model Avid STOL wing   

    Need turtle deck nose crowling and possibly wings with flaperons how wide is the seat shoot me some prices thanks 
    • 0
  14. Avidbayoufox added a post in a topic kitfox raven parts wanted/needed   

    Thanks waiting on his reply 
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  15. Avidbayoufox added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    kitfox raven parts wanted/needed
    hi i recently purchased a un flown kitfox raven looking for parts to complete 
    1. cowling 
    2. engine mount for vw 1835 60 hp
    3.redrive for vw 1835
    4.turtle deck for raven
    6.interior seats etc
    7. floats
    8.dash tank
    9. wings with tanks 
    10. looking for another kitfox project at any stage 
    11. looking for another engine suited for kitfox 80 or 100 hp low hr 
    would anyone know anyone selling cowlings or do i have to make one thanks anyone that knows about the raven please contact me mattnaquin1@gmail.com or on here thanks
    • 5 replies