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Content tagged 'aerobat'

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  1. Fresh annual, brand new blue head 582 installed, 115 TTAF.  For more details and photos:

  2. I've had a soft brake issue which necessitates some speed to get the tailwheel to break over for tight turns.  I got a little impatient the other day and got a little too much speed before slamming on the left brake, causing a right wingtip strike when I tipped as I ran off the side grade of our strip.  It took about 5 seconds for it to finally tip over and bounce back (almost saved it!), but, as you can see, I damaged the last flaperon hinge, slightly bent the flaperon, and damaged the fiberglass/foam in the wingtip.
    I'd just like some suggestions about the least invasive way to repair the damage.  I've uploaded one video and two photos.  I'm guessing it requires opening up the wingtip and replacing the entire rib, but am new to fabric and thought I'd ask the experts.  Thanks for the help guys!  
