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Content tagged 'rx1' in Topics

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  1. Hello All. I am a new member here, and I wanted to introduce myself. I have been an aviation enthusiast my whole life, and I now I am FINALLY working on actually building and flying my own plane. I just bought a Yamaha RX1 with 250 miles on it. I intend to use the engine is some form of a Kitfox/Rans/or Highlander custom build. My goals are safety, low build cost and operating costs (I'm a middle class father), and a fun factor. Being new at this, I am happy to learn from all of you. I will be harvesting the RX1 motor within the next few weeks. So you all can school me. I am an engineer by profession, and I do know some about airplane physics, so I can speak the language, but you all have the valuable experience. I have a lot to learn about which airplane to build, how to mount the Yamaha engine, how to weld up mounts (I have a TIG welder), which gearbox is the most dependable, etc... I look forward to learning and sharing with you guys/gals..
  2. Attention everyone that wished they could have Teal Jenkin’s latest Skytrax Gear Box mounted on your RX1 engines! Look here. You may get your chance.
  3. Does anyone know where I can buy a new Rotax C gearbox?