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Content tagged 'recover' in Topics

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  1. Okay guys ever since I bought the plane I've been trying to convince myself that the rust I could see on the fuselage wasn't a big deal. With all the work I'm doing to this plane it's getting harder and harder to convince myself not to just bite the bullet and have a plane that I don't have to worry about for a long time. perhaps the idler is the piece that's doing the most to convince me. It just looks really rusty and it's just bothering me really bad. So pretty much committed to doing a full tear down and recover.
    I'm also wondering about the fabric. I have the floorboards out and was just test fitting the rudder pedal back in and it fell forward and the rudder cable attach tab went right through the fabric on belly. It shouldn't be able to do that right? 
    Ok so here's where the questions start. 
    What's the best way to strip the paint and rust? Ive been looking at the sand blaster from Harbor Freight. Any reason not to go that route?
    What's a good paint to use? It looks like it's got zinc phosphate on it now, and I'm thinking that didn't work so well.  So what's a better option? Hopefully it's something that i don't have to spend a lot of money buying application equipment.