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About Willja67

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Willja67's Activity

  1. Willja67 added a post in a topic Metal wing rib and fuel gauge gasket   

    You might try sticking one of those borescope cameras in the tank and if you can get it through one of the holes in the baffle you might be able to get a look at the back side of that gauge. At least you'd have a better idea of what you're dealing with.
    • 1
  2. Willja67 added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    FS AVID A selling for parts
    A member of my EAA chapter recently passed away who had bought this aircraft. I'm helping his widow sell the plane. 
    No current registration.  I didn't dig too deep into the paperwork but sometime before 2006 the aircraft was wrecked and the FAA revoked the registration and airworthiness cert.  The gentleman's goal was to get it airworthy but fell ill shortly after buying the plane.
    It is a nose dragger with some flavor of VW on the front.  The firewall has been beefed up for the heavier engine and in the pics you'll notice a elliptical shaped gas tank under the cockpit. 
    About all he managed to do was buy a 582 with a Kitfox motor mount. I didn't find any documentation(but didn't look carefully either) for the engine but it looks like it might have been recently overhauled as its nearly spotless. I did put a call into Rotax Rick and he said that without documentation it's worth about 2k.
    As far as the rest of the aircraft goes I didn't look close but there's no obvious signs of major damage. Wings and Flaperons look to be in good condition.  
    Asking $6000 OBO. The widow wants it all gone at once, so no parting out unless you take the whole thing and do it yourself. 
    Located in Salt Lake City Utah
    Call me if interested:
    Will 4 three 5  8four0 eight 7 51
    • 1 reply
  3. Willja67 added a post in a topic Dean Wilson ‘40 Special’   

    I'm hoping that you might be able to pull it out and spread the wings and get a bunch of pics both overall and of little details.  There's an awful lot to be learned from a master just by looking at his work. 
    • 0
  4. Willja67 added a topic in Kitfox I   

    Removing washout
    My Model 1 wings were built with a 2" block under the spar to set the washout as opposed to the 1 3/4" block called for in the plans.  I never flew it but was told it cruised at about 65 mph. This is about 10 mph slower than most of the cruise speeds i have heard for the early foxes with 65 hp and I suspect the increased washout plays a big role in that. 
    Just fyi the current model 7SS uses a half inch spacer.  I wonder how much faster the early foxes could be with that amount of washout? I've read a few posts on the subject but didn't  that see question answered.
    In any case I'm interested in cutting off the aft upper end of my lift strut and installing a rod end in the hopes of removing as much twist as possible. I've read a few posts on the subject.  I saw the caution about fuel tanks. I have 1 6 gal aluminum tank in the right wing so I know I can't go crazy. Do you think it's possible to get a full half inch out of it? Or will I be lucky to get even that extra 1/4" out?
    Any things that i need to be aware of if I go this route?
    • 3 replies
  5. Willja67 added a post in a topic A project with limited time - setting realistic expectations?   

    About the only 4 stroke option i know of (needs lots of fabrication skills) is the Yamaha phazer.
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  6. Willja67 added a post in a topic A project with limited time - setting realistic expectations?   

    Make sure you educate yourself regarding rotax 2 strokes. The seals are only good for a certain number of years or hours, and like any engine if its been sitting for awhile could have some problems. If you have any questions about it better to have someone go through it who know what they're doing. 
    There are plenty of folks on this site who like 582's and plenty who don't. You have to educate yourself and decide for yourself. Like anything aviation related there are ways that they can bite you hard if you don't know what you're doing. 
    • 0
  7. Willja67 added a post in a topic Catalina canopy   

    From the pics I can see online it looks like the canopy is flat wrapped around a steel tube frame with a fiberglass "skull cap".  As long as you've got that steel frame you shouldn't have a problem. Just glue some foam blocks together and carve and sand it to get the cap, then fiberglass it and wrap the lexan sheet around the frame. 
    • 0
  8. Willja67 added a post in a topic Magnum for sale in Rigby Idaho   

    I just received some pics of the Magnum that I added to the original post. Still for sale same price
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  9. Willja67 added a post in a topic Magnum for sale in Rigby Idaho   

    sent you the info in a pm.  I don't know if it's sold or not
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  10. Willja67 added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Magnum for sale in Rigby Idaho
    This was sent out over the mailing list from my old EAA chapter:
    Call Bill Jepsen (number below) if you are interested.  He will be glad to answer your questions. I have several pictures of some partially finished parts.
    Let me know if you want to see them.
    For Sale, a partially completed tube and fabric, Avid Magnum kit plane for sale in Rigby. Asking $20,000 for everything, including a run-out Lycoming O-360 core. No instruments or prop. Kit is located in one of the southeast hangers at the Rigby airport.
    I am not posting the email or phone number here so they don't get inundated with spam. If interested pm me and I'll forward the contact info.  I personally have never seen this kit and know nothing about it. 

    • 4 replies
  11. Willja67 added a post in a topic Fabricating a cowl   

    Sounds cool, images don't download on my phone but I'd like to see them.
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  12. Willja67 added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Spot welding aluminum
    This came up on HBA and thought it was worth sharing here. Might be valuable for those who would otherwise have to rivet the trailing edge of a flaperon?
    For those who don't want to watch the video you can use a 220V steel spot welder to weld aluminum if you sandwich the 2 pieces of aluminum to be welded between 2 thin pieces of steel. The aluminum will be welded together but the steel will just pop off. 
    • 1 reply
  13. Willja67 added a post in a topic New Flaperon Mixer system   

    Yeah I traded a little complexity in the mixer for simplified mounting and not having to reroute the rudder cables,  i also don't have to cut the control horns off the flaperons themselves. 
    Just alittle detail design left to do and order material. There's a lot of  parts that'll be laser cut and parts of the assembly are almost self jigging. 
    • 1
  14. Willja67 added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    New Flaperon Mixer system
    I'm wondering if I should be wearing my flame proof clothing for this but what the hey. 
    I designed a new flaperon mixer system that I'm about to start fabricating.  75% of it is copied from the later model Kitfoxes,  main differences being that the assembly is mounted to the tubes that divide the cockpit area from the tail cone and instead of having a single axel that has the control arms for both flaperons, Ive split that into right and left sides(red and green in the pic).
    Reasons for doing this are:
    1. Wanted differential in ailerons
    2. Free up area behind seat for some baggage
    3. No need to add additional structure to support mixer
    4. No need to re route rudder cables
    5. Loved the challenge of designing it.
    1. More complex mechanically(but not more than the old system).
    2. Need to disconnect pushrods top fold wings. 
    In the pic the purple portion is the flap mechanism and works just like the kitfox system. The blue portion reverses the direction so so the green and red move differentially. 
    If it's not clear I'll show pics when it's built

    • 3 replies
  15. Willja67 added a post in a topic WY kitfox Yamaha build   

    I find that if I crop a picture very slightly that it will load. Kind of a pain but I hope you'll consider taking the time to try it. You're project looks really cool.
    I like the way you covered the cabane. Ive been thinking of ways to streamline mine as well. Might have to copy that idea. 
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