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  1. Hello from Virginia! We're a small community college with an A&P program and a gentleman called a few weeks ago asking if we would be interested in an Avid Flyer. Honestly, my reaction wasn't exactly overly exuberant since storage is already at a premium with five aircraft tied out on the line and numerous fuselages, wings, and other large parts crammed in any available space. He went on to say the aircraft was complete and flying right up to the day his wife's grandfather pushed it into the downstairs family room approximately 17 years ago. That's nice, but still...then he said it came with a trailer and I was all ears!
    We made plans to meet the next day to take a look at what he had and I have to say I was excited! I have been brainstorming with our public relations and other folks for ways to advertise our program and draw more young folks into the aviation field and this seemed to be the perfect platform! My plans are to paint it white with blue stripes and our college logo and then take it to high schools and aviation events in order to increase our presence.
    Attached are a couple pictures that you may enjoy. Believe it or not, after sitting in a field outdoors for over 15 years all I had to do was put tires on the trailer and run new wires to the lights before loading the plane and bringing it back to the hangar. We washed it today and started making a list of items to replace. Although our intentions are to bring it up to airworthy standards, it will be used strictly as an instructional aid and never fly again. 

  2. I'm happy to announce this year's dates and information for the Light Sport Repairman course offered by our college. 
    For general information, please refer to this link:
    Tuition costs are based on 5 credit hours and state of residence:
    Registration began the 19th of March and response has been very strong. We have approximately seven seats still available.
    If you desire more information regarding registration process or administrative questions, please contact Melissa McElveen at (540) 453-2224 or '' 
    If you have any questions regarding the program in general please feel free to contact me at (540) 453-2508 or ''