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  1. I had just a few hours on 1220's (KF2 N389HW) when the 532 dropped on 1 cyl while dad was flying it.  Suffice to say, 532/2 is not enough!  He got wet but was ok, floats were his airbag on a flipover in the water.  Insurance company got the soggy but repairable plane and floats.
    Like many others, I was drawn to FL after akflyer's vids in the shallow marsh and on the sea ice.
    Now I'm looking for a KF 5-7 to put 1450 (1650's?) on and plan to use it in the snow and ice.
    Wondering how your all's experience (or observations) have been on the full lotus durablity, especially on moderately rough ice, crusty snow, and in cold temps (plastic bottom - step damage?)
    Can you operate off of wet grass?
    Can it handle (durability) the same? more? less?  than a skiplane?