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Content tagged '2 place tandem seat fuselage jig'

Found 2 results


  1. I ventured over to the west side of the Cascades and while over there stopped by to see Kelly QUick. He has 200 yrs worth of projects and asked me if I was interested in buying his fuselage jig. It is like a sky raider/ridge runner steel tube fuselage jig only it is designed to mount a much larger engine.. Kelly has a Yamaha on the prototype which came out of the jig and to me it looked like the beginning of a super bush plane.. tandem seat, tall gear, designed for bigger engines, still have a swing wing on it like avid and kits and ridge runner, similar anyway...
    If interested, contact Kelly at 360-431-7274.. he is busier than a one armed paper hanger but eventually you can reach him.. 
    Leni, sorry if I posted in wrong spot, Im still pretty daft at all this , just recovering from hacked phone and computer and credit cards.. so dont beat me too much...
    Mark Smith

  2. I ventured over to the west side of the Cascades and while over there stopped by to see Kelly QUick. He has 200 yrs worth of projects and asked me if I was interested in buying his fuselage jig. It is like a sky raider/ridge runner steel tube fuselage jig only it is designed to mount a much larger engine.. Kelly has a Yamaha on the prototype which came out of the jig and to me it looked like the beginning of a super bush plane.. tandem seat, tall gear, designed for bigger engines, still have a swing wing on it like avid and kits and ridge runner, similar anyway...
    If interested, contact Kelly at 360-431-7274.. he is busier than a one armed paper hanger but eventually you can reach him.. 
    Leni, sorry if I posted in wrong spot, Im still pretty daft at all this , just recovering from hacked phone and computer and credit cards.. so dont beat me too much...
    Mark Smith