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Everything posted by Lost_Engineer

  1. Lost_Engineer added a post in a topic Hello and to the point   

    hello again,
    Special thanks to all of you for your help.  I looked at the plane yesterday and I was amazed.  Usually when you look at a barnstormer's ad there's some sort of issue.  The seller doesn't want to sell, the plane spent two years on a salt flat, it jsut exploded etc...   With your help, I've found several hundred Model C Avid's still flying.  I jsut need to find record of three completed sales, and I'll be one of your newest members!. 
    • 0
  2. Lost_Engineer added a topic in Introduce yourself   

    Hello and to the point
    I'm new on the forum, but short on time.  so I have a few idiot question to ask.  I'm looking at an Avid mod C Heavy hauler listed currently on Barnstormers.  I've talked to the owner, and will be inspecting the plane this weekend.  It all seemed to be going smoothly until I looked into financing it.  There apparently isn't enough Mod C's out there for AOPA to justify the risk.  So I have two options, either dig up 25 tail numbers and 3 confirmed sales, or have the plane modified and registered as a MkIV.  Can you point me in the right direction for either? 
    If I can't do it, then FYI there is a freshly rebuilt Mod C in Phoenix looking for a good home.  
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