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Posts posted by Av8r3400

  1. If ya got $25,000 to blow sure

    I'd bet Leni'll have more than this or this in that project once it flies.  Ant it would still be extremely experimental and unproven.

    I just don't want to loose our forum owner to some  :joust:  2-stroke.

    An 80 hp would be even less.  Without even digging I bet I could find a 80 hp 912 for less than $10k.

  2. Brett is still there.  (He's only a couple of miles down the road from me.)

    At this time Airdale is still "on the side" for him.  He has a new family to think about, so the security of his "Day Job" is still a factor for him with the economy and such.  Leave a phone message for him and he will get back to you.

  3. Okay, they must be like guns or girlfriends.  You can never have just one.   :shitfan:

    I helped out a friend in trouble and bought his Model IV-1050 E-LSA off him.  This one is a little different:  It is a real beauty.  As ugly as my Mangy-Fox 1200 is this one is that pretty.

    I'm on the road for work right now, but when I get back I'll get some pictures up.

  4. I don't want to be a party-pisser, but at 6 CFM Jack's compressor won't handle a Binks HVLP gun.  It will only make a mess of his expensive supplies and project.

  5. Okay I know this is an ugly can of worms, but:  :shitfan:

    Would one of our resident experts care to comment on what the owner of an aircraft, certificated as an E-LSA, can or can not due maintenance/inspection wise, and what class(es) would allow that owner to do more?

    How is it different from what the owner of a non-light sport experimental aircraft can do?

    (Both examples are for the present owner, not the original builder.)


  6. Gawd, after this year's state budget fiasco, I think us NY taxpayers are just so shell-shocked from another year of crazy-huge tax increases across the board plus a slug of brand new taxes and fees, we don't even know where they're coming from anymore. >('

    Doug, seriously, how you (or anyone) can live in, much less operate a business, in NY amazes me.

  7. You get what you (don't) vote for.  Elections have consequences.  We are all learning this lesson, now.

    (And for the record, there is no federal sales tax, yet.  Your buddy has his governments messed up, state versus fed, or he's being scammed.)

  8. I looked for them too, Doug and never found them.  There's a bunch of YouTube Videos here.

    I've got the poly-products on my plane now and will repair that for short term, but would seriously consider the Stewart's if I can find out more about it when recover time comes.

  9. It's a secret.  You'll have to go there for yourself.   :french11:

    Seriously, though:  I didn't take many pictures other than Kitfox details and a couple of (bad) phone snaps of that giant Euro-trash thing.

    (Euro-Trash thing, Me at the main gate, the wife, A friend receiving the "Outstanding Champ" award)





  10. I'm thinking that the AFF members that fly into OSH next year should use the ultralight area.

    The strip is plenty big, there were several Avids in there this year and the Highlander contingent, too.  It's easy to get in and out for whopee trips too.

    **PLUS**  It's on the end of the field where all the cool people hang out...  :beerchug:

  11. My airstrip will be open to you (if you can get it into 1000' :french11: ) !

    I'm about 100 miles W-NW from OSH.  I won't be there from Saturday through Sunday, but the week before or after I will.

    C'mon down.

  12. Just a quick shout out to dholley & Bandit


    Thank you for your hospitality on Saturday afternoon down by the Widgen.  We had a very nice time meeting people whose names I have already forgotten and watching the airshow.

    I hope your trip home was uneventful and your first Monday back to work is nowhere near as hectic as mine.   :shitfan:


    It was nice to meet you too.  I was sorry I couldn't get back over there by you folks again to shoot the :joust: some more.  I guess we'll just have to do it again next year...


    To all you other slackers that didn't make it to Airventure:  WTF is wrong with you???   :lol:

  13. One of these days I will make it down.  May have to plan it for certain next year.

    Gotta do it at least once. 

    (You'll be addicted and come back again and again...)


  14. There are a couple of forums going on on Wednesday that I want to go to (Insurance @ 10am and Windshields and Windows @ 11.30) that will hamper my ability to get to the Avid Lunch.  I will try and get over there after the last forum (~1 pm) but I think everyone will be gone by then.  (I may bail on that second forum if it isn't what I think...)

    Bandit--  The farm across from the Ultralight area is where we (UL Chapter 75) are, too.  I'll be rolling in on Sunday afternoon (Green Dodge diesel pickup)


  15. There's always an Air Force contingent there.  Maybe someone from your neck of the woods you can hitch a ride with ...  ?

  16. I'll be there all week.  I'll be setting up camp with my chapter (75) down across the street from the barn on Sunday.

    Are you going to the Avid Lunch at the seaplane base on Wednesday?

  17. I need to replace all of the "soft" fuel lines in my plane.  I have no idea what the current lines are or where they cam from.

    It there a problem with using rubber "automotive" fuel line?  It should be ethanol safe even if the tanks are not...  What about the site tubes and vent line?

    What about filters on the lines from the wings to the header tank?  I've heard argument for and against.  What say you all?

    Would reusing the fire sleeve be acceptable?

  18. Since you are not painting the entire fuselage, how are you planning on blending the new latex to the existing paint?

    I'm seriously following this because I want to fly my Mangy-Fox for a year or two then recover for good looks.  This process could buy me some more time before the recover...