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Everything posted by dcstrng

  1. dcstrng added a post in a topic Heavy Hauler carry-through sizing   

    Thanks Doug; that helps considerably – sorry to be slow on the response, was out of the loop for a week… guess I don’t need to go quite as heavy as I thought…

    Appreciate it…

    -- Larry
    • 0
  2. dcstrng added a post in a topic Heavy Hauler carry-through sizing   

    Yes, indeed those are the plans I’m working off of; however, the Raven is essentially a stick-built A/B-model with an 850-900 pound gross, and I’m planning to mimic the Avid/KFox metamorphosis to the 1100 +/- gross on the earlier 2-cycle birds – I have found pretty much all the upgraded wing specs (spars, struts, drags etc…), and finally found a couple of sources for the 0.083 wall 6061-T6 spar tubing, but haven’t got the exact specs on the CT upsizing…

    However, if all else fails, I’ll probably mimic what a couple of Avid rebuilders have done and up the tubing to 1.0 and 1.125 diameter 4130 (front and rear respectively) for the CT, with 0.065 or so wall… that may be a touch heavy, but if so only pound or two…

    Since I plan to build at the later 39†cabin width rather than the Raven/A-model-esque 33â€, I don’t want the compression loads on the CT to get anywhere close to problem areas at the planned HH-esque gross weights… But, I don’t want to end up fifty pounds heavy either…


    -- Larry
    • 0
  3. dcstrng added a post in a topic Heavy Hauler carry-through sizing   

    OK thanks – Just starting to get together a materials order…

    Worst-case scenario I’ll SWAG off of a Buttercup or Tailwind which should be handling more or less the same or slightly more athwart-ships compression loading, and have about the same distance to span between spar attachments…

    Unless someone has a better recommendation… whatever, I’ll error on the side of safety; seems like not a good place to be pound foolish…

    -- Larry
    • 0
  4. dcstrng added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Heavy Hauler carry-through sizing
    What size tubing (diameters, wall…??) is used for the fuselage carry-throughs on the heavier-hauler Avids and or KFox… I’m beginning to round up material for an Avid-eque stick-built and see the spar and lift-strut sizing in this forum, but so far have not stumbled across what I assume would be corresponding up-sized tubing on the carry-throughs…

    All notions gratefully accepted…


    -- Larry
    • 7 replies
  5. dcstrng added a post in a topic Montana Coyote???   

    I regret, I did not… we had very little direct contact with the professional engineers… that was in the pre-CADD, pre-PC, pre-almost-everything era. The engineers and draftsmen worked fairly closely, then the prints came to a large florescent-lit room full of snot-nosed kids sitting at grey metal desks (pre-cubical era as well) who had demonstrated some proclivity for trigonometry fundamentals -- who then took the prints and cranked out masses, centers of gravity, polar moments and the like – I still have my GE “Weight Handbook…â€

    I was always amazed when the finished engine came out with tolerance to our calculations… In the GE hierarchy of the day, the professional engineers were a class of nobility several strata above our pay-grade…

    Good days -- exciting... got to watch the SST engine run on augmenter a couple of times -- raw power (even through yards of concrete the whole place rumbled and the racoon tail carred for what seemed like a football field, well not quite...)

    -- Larry
    • 0
  6. dcstrng added a post in a topic Montana Coyote???   

    Thanks, good grief they’re putting some serious horsepower in those rascals… My project is a tad less aggressive but am using the Riblett airfoil…

    I caught you’re a C-5 Flight Engineer… Another young guy and I were the two mass-properties analysts on the TF-39’s low-speed fan, back in `66-67 during GE’s proof of concept phase – in the slide-rule era -- before that big beastie got built… long, long ago in a Galaxy far, far away…

    Thanks for the Coyote info…

    -- Larry
    • 0
  7. dcstrng added a post in a topic Montana Coyote???   

    OK appreciate it… that fits… I know the Coyote was a slightly larger bird and took (as I recall) conventional aircraft power rather than the lighter 2-cycles… but I thought it had died, and didn’t realize it had morphed into a successful model…

    Thanks, those specs seem reasonably available (I’m primarily looking for the structural parameters – spar, etc., which I assume would probably be the 0.083 wall 6061-T6 and the like…)

    -- Larry
    • 0
  8. dcstrng added a topic in Avidfoxflyers General Hangar   

    Montana Coyote???
    Newbie here… have been reading in stealth mode for a bit, but also am trying to find information/specs on what I believe was call the Montana Coyote – if memory serves it was sort of a Avid/Kitfox on steroids... was kitted (I think) briefly, probably 12-15 years back, maybe as early as the early 90s…

    I’m starting on a Raven (sort of sick-built Avid A/B), but in my case upsized just a tad here and there, to help contain the geriatric girth of its upsized pilot… hence the Montana Coyote thoughts – as I recall it was essentially built like the Avid/Kitfox, just about 10-15% larger…

    Anyone recall the Montana Coyote – or know of any links to general information…


    -- Larry
    Virginia, USA
    • 17 replies