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Everything posted by Rogue_Ryder

  1. Rogue_Ryder added a post in a topic Avid Flyer Mk IV - $18450
    He reposted it!  
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  2. Rogue_Ryder added a post in a topic low low mile Yamaha RX1s   

    Saw those sleds a few weeks ago; I thought the asking price was high even for the low mileage can't believe they actually sold.  It wasn't too long ago that you could barely give away an RX-1 around here.  Now they're selling for more than they were a handful of years ago!  The RX-1 is tank (even the much newer Nytro was still a pig; I spent a weekend with one up in the Snowies); is the Market growing for these due to the kit plane crowd?  I thought the Apex or even Nytro engine would be preferential to the RX as they have EFI!  I'm sure there's someone that can hack into the ECU to disable any limp modes or anything like that to optimize the engines for Aircraft usage.  
    Here's a low mileage Vector for even less than those original RX1s:  But this is a 3 cylinder...
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  3. Rogue_Ryder added a post in a topic "The Raven" a kitfox avid clone!!!!!   

    I’m gonna guess that at $8 for a set of plans; this probably isn’t something a first time builder could successfully complete?
    I’ve worked as an A&P apprentice during college (didn’t do the 3,000 hrs required to get my certification), and have lots of auto & motorcycle building and modifying experience. I’ve got the ability just not sure if I have the discipline or patience to complete a project from scratch ..
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  4. Rogue_Ryder added a post in a topic KITFOX IV 1050, ROTAX 912   

    Awesome thanks for the info!  I saw that there's a CFI doing tailwheel training at that airport with a Rans S7, hopefully I'll get a couple guns sold and go up there and get some stick time and my tailwheel sign off, after Christmas is over.  
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  5. Rogue_Ryder added a post in a topic KITFOX IV 1050, ROTAX 912   

    Hi. Do you have this plane in Estes?  I’m curious if there’s a strip up there (I know of one near Johnny Park rd). I’m down the road in Pinewood Springs.
    I’m not ready to buy at the moment (would like to build or buy in the future after I finish up a Muscle car I’m working on). How do these planes perform flying in the mountains or taking off from this altitude?
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