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Posts posted by dav8or

  1. Dan my airplane has the side radiator and the belly radiator in series. Not sure what my Belly radiator is off of but if it's below 65 oat out I have to put a piece of tape across half the belly one to keep my temps above 145 degrees. If it's super hot out though I watch my temps close but so far it's never gotten over about 175. The guy who originally had my FWF was from Southern CA and had the same issue only having  a side radiator. What are your plans for removing the scoop entirely? I'm sure I could pick up a few mph in cruise without that big ol thing sticking out there. It does make for a good conversation starter though. I get asked all the time what it's for. I usually tell folks it's the turbine inlet. :french11:

    I plan to remove the side radiator and smooth out the fuselage side with a temp panel for now until I get a chance to glass it in. I will wait to see that the single lower radiator will work first though. My Avid is a speedwing and I would like to keep my cruise above 100 mph.



  2. I want to utilize some of the wasted space that's under the turtle deck. I plan to just remove the turtle deck for access since it's a  one piece Lexan one. I did some poking around on the Yahoo site and found these pics.

    Do you have any pictures of the One piece turtle deck?




  3. i think that is a great idea!  



    I was not able to find an easy way to mount the camera to the gear with the fairings on there but my hangermate and I were talking about the conversion yesterday and we might have a plan. Do you have the dimensions of your radiator? That is if you plan to sell it. Also any idea how much it might cost to ship to 77573 zip?




  4. I may have one for sale in the next few days if the in cowl radiators I have work on mine.  I should know in a few days if your interested.  I got mine for 150 and would sell for the same thing if your interested.  It looks new.



    Thanks for the offer. That might be a good option although I am concerned that it might not be enough for the heat here. I am going to try to get a camera mounted on the gear aimed at the bottom of the fuselage with yarns taped up there to see what airflow does under there first.




  5. Thanks for the replies. I am trying to replace the side mount radiator on my model C speedwing. I am thinking about the oversize Kitfox radiator mounted under the belly with a scoop housing. It is getting into the 90's here and my temps won't come down below 180 in cruise anymore. Running about 190-200 on climb. There is a place on ebay making the kitfox radiators in china I think but not sure they are much bigger than stock. Other option is to mount motorcycle radiator below prop and modify cowling for it. That has worked for a friend of mine.


