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Posts posted by Airplanenate

  1. Kitfox 4 and later models use the same ribs.  STi wing is different though.  Nice thing about the Kitfox 4 is it's lighter than later models.  They are bigger, and have higher gross weights however.  

    Very intriguing proposition......

  2. Kitfox 4 and later style ribs may be a better option, they perform good at slow and higher speeds.  Also, it may be hard to find .83" tube for spars.  Kitfox uses .065" and a good stiffener with gross weights of 1550 lbs.  120 is pretty fast for these planes...

    I should have mentioned, I already have the 0.083" spars. Is KF4 better than newer versions? 5? 7?

    I don't really need best of both worlds, I have a set of stol wings that will get rebuilt in the future. but i don't want it to fly like a lead balloon either....


    yours is more impressive, i only had the spars up top.


  3. Going to start scratch building speed wings soon, for my fat airframe.

    Current thoughts are avid speed wing airfoil, 12 inch rib spacing,.083 spars @ 12 foot, 7/8 inch lift struts. Essentially longer aerobat wings.

    For current speed wing/aerobat pilots, are there any modifications you would have liked?

    Different airfoils, kitfox? just aircraft? Longer / shorter spars? Slats? Speed brakes? Anything come to mind? I'm scratch building so anything goes!

    Goal of 120mph cruise, planned Yamaha sidewinder firewall forward

  4. I have one that is not installed in a wing, but I am going to eventually need it.  Do you need one to make a jig to make more or to replace a broken one?


    Looking to make a jig, wanting to swap out the STOL wings for extended acrobats. 

    Would you be willing to let me borrow it for a short time?



  5. Howdy fellas,

    I'm taking my model C down to the frame for a stretch in all directions. If the model C was used for airdale upgrades would anyone have the list or plans of the changes that were made?


    Best Regards,


  6. Randy,


    What fuselage did you start with? And what did you follow for the modifications?

    I have a model C that I want to make taller, wider, longer.

    Any input/advice you or anyone may have would be most helpful!




  7. Hello all, 

    My name is Nate, I am new to the forum and interested in building a Magnum.

    I sent a message to the current Avid Aircraft company asking if there are plans available for the Magnum with no reply.

    Might anyone have an extra set or know where I might be able to locate one?

    As of now, I do not need a whole set, just fuselage measurements and tube sizes, but if I am able to get a whole set i would be interested.