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Everything posted by DK

  1. DK added a post in a topic 503DCDI on a MK4 STOL   

    I guess I should give a little more back ground. I'm new obviously. So I made my first mistake of putting this in the wrong category.  I have owned a model C in the past with a 532. I have not finished my pilots license in over 30 years. I have never been up in a Fox or Avid yet. I purchased a MK4 a little over a year ago and have been rebuilding it. It had (has) a 582 blue head. I at the point I need to decide what engine I'm going to use. The 582 had a C box but I acquired and E box to avoid the firewall modification. I think it will bolt up to the 503 also that currently has a B box. I have a 4A084 military engine I have been messing with with a gear reduction system attached, but it's kind of a long shot. I might have a chance at a 912UL, even at a good price it can get expensive just to get it on the acft. I like the 503 idea because it eliminates one system and possible problem (coolant). I read an article of a guy describing his flights with his club all over the country in a model C ? with a 503 and he said he had no complaints. That's all I know of it myself.
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  2. DK added a topic in Introduce yourself   

    503DCDI on a MK4 STOL
    Has anyone flown or known someone first hand who has a MK4 with a Rotax 503DCDI installed? Please provide some info. Thanks
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