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Posts posted by Yamma-Fox

  1. Hey jared.  I know I talked to teal about this a week or so ago.

    I think he was hoping to have it as a working prototype in 2018.  And I know he said that he will not send any out until it has undergone rigorous testing.

    If you decide to go rx-1, teal said he had some adapters on the shelf, and there is a c box on ebay af that just popped up.

    But maybe you already had the c box?

  2. Thanks Greg.

    I gotta give you credit for posting up and correcting errors in your earlier data.

    And those estimates above at least do agree better with what we are seeing in the field, which makes them more credible.


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  3. That new windshield looks damn good man!  Makes me want to do it too.  Thanks everyone for the tips.

    But help me here... this is all new to me, difference between Lexan and Makrolon.  Which is best and why?


  4. You folks are turning this into a yahoo forum :wacko:

    I don't like it either.  Just trying to counter some bad info.  Somebody had to say something.

    But I'll sign off on this one now.

    I've said my piece.


  5. Remember here guys, I'm just a Yamaha enthusiast.

    I have no alterior motives here.  I don't make money in this business.  I am just a guy that enjoys helping others who have an interest in Yamaha power options.

    I have tried to support Greg and REALLY WISH that I could continue to do so, because the more good people who help develop Yamaha power in aircraft the better!

    But he has forced my hand here, and I do not like it a bit.  You guys see what I normally post!  I am the positive easy going and supportive guy!

    But when someone puts out bad, slanted, and fake news that doesn't help anyone.

    When someone says their part will last thousands of hours, doesn't test it, and then doesn't warn others when a problem is found!!!  Then continues to pick on the other guys product that has been working virtually flawlessly..


    Not cool... and not good for furthering Yamaha power.

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  6. His (Greg Mills) data is concocted from picking and choosing numbers and estimates while sitting behind a computer.

    He has never extensively ran a c box with a Yamaha.  Never put these paper estimates of his to a test.

    The same is true for a line of sprag clutches he recently came out with.  He came up with TBO estimates with the same engineering slant (this time slanting towards his product) of thousands of hours TBO and a limetime guarantee from Mohawk Aero.

    Real world testing on those sprag clutches showed: 2 tested and entirely destroyed within 2 hours each.  Copro's testimomy in the post above describes this.  Greg sent these clutches out (to people I know and talked with at the time) UNTESTED. The worst part of that sprag clutch debacle is that he didn't even notify other customers that the failures had occured.  I actually had to contact one of them (overseas customer), who planned to fly the clutch soon, and I advised him to stay on the ground because there were problems.

    So what were dealing with in these engineering calculations is plain and simple:

     "Garbage in..... garbage out"

    Like Akflyer says... proof is in the pudding (real world empirical test data).

  7. Ok.  Better tone.  That's good Greg.

    But that whole analysis  (including chart) is something you derived on your own.  It is all put together by you!  

    Sole source data and conclusions from someone who clearly has a prejudice in the matter....  troubling to me.

    I have an engineering degree to Greg.  In this case I am far more comfortable relying on empirical data.

    The empirical data is clear:  Approx 30 Skytrax conversions flying with a cbox (say 3000 hrs or so?) with one bearing failure.

    Your conclusions would have some merit if you tested a C box to faulure and verified / modified them accordingly, but those estimates in your last post just plainly do not make sense.


  8. And I  edited my last post.  Toned it down a little (probably still not toned down enough LOL) 

    Sorry for getting a little fired up and feisty!


  9. Talk about blowing smoke!!

    A lot of us here know Teal, and know how humble and great of a guy he is.

    I doubt he has made more than lunch money along the way for all the hard work he has done, and I'm sure he has no regrets... because he is not it this for the money.  He does all this development as a side hobby to his normal job.... all out of the love for the sport, the yamaha engine, and helping others. 

    This blowhard "fake news" of a rant you just posted shows alot Greg.  Man that post is a case study example of using "high and mighty" unsubstantiated garbage in an easy to see through cheap shot attempt to play the oldest juvenile card in the book:  Trying to propel one's self upward by grabbing at people around them and dragging them down.

    As far as the reputation of Teal's kit,  I'll let the real world track record and results of those flying it speak for themselves.

    Greg, you know I've been a strong ally for you along the way... just look at the posts I've made here on your stuff and all the contributions I have made on FB.  But this is way out of line, (as was deleting the posts I made merely showing Teals products over on your Facebook Group).

    I would have preferred to continue to be your ally Greg, but the time has come to call you out for being so unfair.


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  10. I watched a Youtube Video of a guy landing a red kitfox and it swereved just a little one way then made a big sweeping groundloop with screeching tires and all but it didnt hurt it...the first thing the pilot did was look around to see  if anyone saw it!!! I laughed so hard my side hurt......

    WHen you screw up the first run of order is:

    1) did anyone see it?

    2) can I blame it on someone else?

    3) can I shit-can

    4 problem solved!!!


    You stole my after landing checklist !!


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  11. Yep... we can all relate (or those that will)


    I just dont have pics of my 2 "relates" when I was off in the turf between the taxi lights like that!

    One was in a Lake Amphibian (free castoring nosewheel, steer w/brakes)  when one brake lost it's prime upon landing.  Tower controller was amused when I asked if I was "clear enough of her runway" to do a quick dukes of hazard style brake bleeding job!  LOL


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  12. IMO a 2 stroke can make a great aircraft engine, but it needs to be taken very well cared for, run, and maintained.  If there is any doubt (after talking to the owner) I would want to devalue it enough for an overhaul and inspection.  That's just me, and not everyone here would entirely agree with that position, but something to consider.

    If you can, have them take pics for you of as much of the plane as you can (inside and out).  Then post here for a lookover from some expert eyes.

  13. I've seen these in action on a snowmo.   Pretty darn impressive!

    At this price it would be worth giving them a shot.  If you don't use them on your plane I'd bet you'll find another use for them.

    How you mount them is the challenge.



    2x brighter:


  14. .... shoulda posted this in jokes...

    Anyhow,  the frequency of fish I catch is often close to what that "pea method" is good for. 

    My kids love going out with me, but tell me to test the bite and if it is just gonna be 'fishing' then "keep trying on your own and let us know when it gets to be 'catching', then we'll come along!"


  15. Been wondering this myself, and have seen others ask the same question.

    Has anyone ran a belly radiator like mine pictured, then either added an aero fairing or moved in the cowl and noted a speed difference?

    Mine is sure a big beastly spoiler (oversized monster to keep the old subaru cool).  I'm betting it costs 5 mph.



  16. Looking good!

    You have a grass strip up there by Cotton?

    And don't forget:  tricylcle planes make great skiplanes.  Just do a nose ski.  Some people even say it is better, as long as you can power the nose off with elevator when manuvering in the snow.

  17. Yep, i just snipped the ears off of the voltmeter, "painted" the edges black with a sharpie, and put a dab of Goop silicone glue on the back.  Then stuck it where I wanted it. 

    It is REALLY bright though.  Great for a sunny day, but I'll be trying some layers of tinted plastic over it so I can see out the windshield at night LOL!

  18. The low voltage alarm has two leds, green when above threshold, red with loud alarm when below.  Threshold can be set to any value with a smal pot adjuster.

    And $5 is in my budget!

    Buy the following 2 items on ebay and make it up for your panel however you want.  I put them both into a 2" round instrument hole and set the alarm to 11.5v



