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  1. When I had the IVO IFA prop on my plane I used a little device that was in some of our products at work so it didn't cost me anything and it worked fantastic. It was called a Mercotac mercury wetted rotary slipring. It fit right into the hollow prop shaft. Worth looking at. Very reliable.

    There are also other manufacturers of similar devices


    This looks great, thanks. 



  2. I am looking for pictures of the IVOPROP IFA brush mount.   I have a general idea of how to do this but it would be great if I could see exactly how other guys have mad brush support brackets. 




  3. I am trying to figure what length of a schmitar luga prop for my 912UL 80hp powered Merlin E-Z. I have a 2 blade 74 inch Ivoprop on it now.

    Looking at a 2 blade or 3 blade schmitar. What length on a 80hp 912?

    Did you end up with an IVO to sell?   I am looking to buy; 

  4. WOW, excellent post.  One of the most informative and well written "how to" post.   The pics are excellent. 

    Thanks a ton for sharing this.




  5. I know this is a bit dated, but it is a great thread and very helpful to guys like me who are new to all of this and are trying to learn what works, so thanks to everyone who posted....



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  6. There was not one KF or AVID on the field that I saw.   There were 3 or 4 Zeniths and a Just Aircraft Hilander, and the Rocky Mountain brought up there S7 and there was a Rans S-6ES too.
