Ironman Al

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About Ironman Al

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/02/1962

Contact Methods

  • MSN
  • Website URL Creative Metals of Montana

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location Bigfork Montana
  • Interests Experementals, kits, do it yourself, arts, metal work, sportsmanship, learning new skills.

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Ironman Al's Activity

  1. Ironman Al added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    looking for Warp drive blades
    Looking for replacement Warp drive 74" Tappered blades with nickel edges, RH. Thanks!
    • 0 replies
  2. Ironman Al added a post in a topic Alternator noise!   

    From what I've read the 22000 capacitor with the voltage regulator is to flatten the current leaving the regulator, not specificly a noise sepressor! I'm receiving whinning noise on the radio.
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  3. Ironman Al added a post in a topic Alternator noise!   

    Thanks! I will check those things out!
    • 0
  4. Ironman Al added a topic in Rotax and other engines   

    Alternator noise!
    I've got a lot of winning engine noise in the headsets! I Beleive its my alternator, the noise increases with rpm. Can anyone tell me what noise suppressor I need for the 912ul alternator? I've read a lot about noise in the system and I've got a filter on the ignition. But I'm looking for a part specific #! Thanks!
    • 14 replies
  5. Ironman Al added a post in a topic Installed skis today   

    I like your skis! I'd like to build something like that! Any tips or pointers you can give me? Length, width, aluminum thickness? Could you use a shock( as light as posible) like the old snowmobiles had?
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  6. Ironman Al added a post in a topic BIG NEWS: Avid is BACK IN BUSINESS!   

    Just wondering how the new Avid co. Is doing? Is there any advanses in the start up? 
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  7. Ironman Al added a post in a topic Tiny Tach Setting   

    What would the correct degree setting be on a 912 then for the Tiny Tach?
    • 0
  8. Ironman Al added a topic in Technical tasks   

    Bing carb switch
    Question! If I use Bing64 carbs made for a 914, would I need to rejet them to put them on a 80 horse 912?
    • 1 reply
  9. Ironman Al added a topic in Rotax and other engines   

    Bing 64 carbs needed!
    Needed! Set of Bing 64 carbs for my 912ul, need o swap out carbs for tests on rpm. Any help appreciated!!
    • 0 replies
  10. Ironman Al added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Bing 64 carbs
    Needed! A set of Bing 64 carbs for my 912 ! Any help appreciated!
    • 3 replies
  11. Ironman Al added a post in a topic Rotax tach question!   

    Sorry for the delay on up dating this. After adjusting the warp drive prop 1.5 degrees the rpm went up to normal static running rpm.Oddly the Rotax tach was off only after it reached 3500. The TinnyTach and lazer confirmed that.
    • 1
  12. Ironman Al added a post in a topic Rotax tach question!   

    It just started! Its only a thought that maybe my engine is running up right and my tack is off. Ill be doing a strobe light test on the prop to tell for sure.
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  13. Ironman Al added a topic in Rotax and other engines   

    Rotax tach question!
    Has anyone ever had a Rotax tachometer that didn't read correct rpm? Mine will only go up to 3500 rpm., Engine runs smooth and seems to be at full power, good fuel supply with 5pd of pressure, throttle on carbs is all the way to max position, little room left before stop. Prop is set at mid climb/ cruise. Just thinking it's got to be a simple problem or faulty teach reading. Any thoughts appreciated! Thanks!
    • 10 replies
  14. Ironman Al added a post in a topic Ignition switch took a dump   

    Ignition switch problem solved, replaced switch with simular one.
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