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Everything posted by aktango58

  1. aktango58 added a post in a topic Longer Legs   

    Are you sitting longer than three hours at a time?
    If not, carrying extra fuel in a jug might work for you.
    Some considerations: If you have a problem and the plane bends, often it will stop tail high; where will the extra fuel go? Will you be covered in fuel?
    The cub community has been getting away from the rear header tank, or at a minimum going to a heavier aluminum to prevent crash leaks onto passengers and pilot.
    What about a belly pod and a couple of six gallon Alaska Bushwheel bags put in it. You can keep your load centered more easily, and keep fumes out of the cockpit when flying around. You might have to build a pod for your needs, but be like building a tank.
    I ran a combo pod on a cub for years. Hated putting it on, (job requirement), but once there would never take it off. Fishing gear lived in there, no worries about water inside. Fuel went there so I had lots of range... and no loss of speed.
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