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  1. akflyer

    damn.. I think you put some bad juju on me... I was spose to fly out from work at 9:00 in the am to head home... now they are calling for 80 mph winds.. and blowing snow, this makes it 0 visibility... what cant you do in zero vis.... LAND A DAMN 737 on a gravel runway..The ducks may have a days reprieve lol..


  2. 84KF

    Posted on the "List is the following....

    "If I fly four times a week, it's costing me almost an hour a week, or four hours a month,

    which works out to about $500 per month to fold the wings"


    Does he bill himself $125.00hr while sleeping too? Hey..time is money according to that self-importance logic.

    Ok guys...(no pun intended...) I just spent 6 minutes of time writing this and I'm worth, oh, at least $1.75HR so you all owe me....say.... 17.5 cents. Pay up.

    Ya...I know.  "The check's in the mail..."

  3. eskflyer

    I thought about that but it is the same oring that has done this for the second time. I have not used any biofuel or any ethonal or alcohol at all that I know of . I am plumbing in a 3 way ball valve that will not have orings in it .

    Thanks for the advice

  4. 84KF


      Any chance that ethanolalcohol in the fuel is changing the composition of the o-ring allowing it to slip out of place?

    I've seen some Mil-6000 rubber hose literally swell and dissolve when expose to autofuel over extended periods of time.

    There are different types of rubber used in o-ring construction, nitrate and butyl being a few. Each is only compatible with certain fluids. Some will fail at low temps in the wrong applicaton

    Here is a good reference for o-ring material....

    Just brainstorming here.... might mean nothing.


  5. eskflyer

    I should have taken photos but heck it was to cold for shutter to work lol .

    I cleaned out strainers and had great fuel flow I thought . Fired engine < actually started engine Runs great at idle thru 5600 RPM then wham she runs out of fuel after that . Without EGT's would not be able to see temp spiking. ERGO fly with EGT's .

    Rebuilt fuel pump and checked fuel flow, again Great flow no probs . Started engine , didn't fire it yet . Idles smooth and runs to 5600 then wham EGT's spike and runs out of fuel . :banghead:  :biggun:  :shitfan:  .

    Now i get pissed and rip out all plumbing and start checking from tank's out WHOOOOOOO 3 way fuel selector has a oring that is crossways in throat of line when normal flow is going it lets fuel by , but when a suction is applied then the oring closes off the opening , not good for flight or EGT's or the engine for that matter . This is the second valve that has done this to me . These are the 1/4 " valves from Leading edge and also ACS that are silver and for fuel . I will not use these ever again and recommend others not use them also . I am re-plumbing tomorrow and using a real 3 way fuel valve that cost lots of money but is much cheaper in the long run than rebuilding the engine or the plane and makes me feel lots better to have that fan turning up front .

    Again my signature will follow below

  6. eskflyer

    Damn Steve why the heck you using EGT's . People are saying you do not need them over on the other site lol . I personally would not fly without one unless it broke in flight . ILL DO A NEW POST AND SAY WHY .


  7. 84KF


      I don't think that will be an issue. 100LL dosn't have all the yucky additives that I believe were causing build-up problems.  It's the excess lead in the 100LL that (research indicates) is not necessary in the 912 UL. But that can be handled with specific oils and more frequent filter and oil changes. I read all over of flight school using nothing but 100LL for 1000+ hrs, but the proper service intervals are maintained.

      I might just have to stock up on Rammon Noodles so I can afford Avgas. (Damn...I hate it when that happens.)


  8. 84KF

    Ya all,

    Just got back from from a nice flight, everything purring right along.

    The EGT was still about 20' higher then I have seen in the past but it never exceeds 1500F at any rpm, up to WOT.

    She's doing 90 mph @4800 rpm with plenty to spare. The engine seems to "sound" stronger using the 100LL, but that might be due to the cleaner intake valves and seats.

    I hate the price of 100LL, but if the next few hours are as good as today I will stick with it, or possibly work up to a 50% mix with autogas.

    Didn't have to take the cowl off before..., or after the flight.  That's a good sign right??  :)


  9. akflyer

    quote="occom"]Almost right on time, wasn't it this time last year  that somebody threw a hissy fit with his "open letter" that ended in creation of  a separate list?  

    Dave Goddard- Mod IV 1050/582

    do not archive


    I wonder if he was eating lead paint chips as a kid?

    I sooooooo wanted to post over there but figured what I was gonna say would get me banned permanently..

    So, whos plane is in his signature?  his or Noels?  Or is it one hell of a coincidence that they both have the same floats, cowl, and single float landing/takeoff technique at the same lake, same course same altitude?

    I just dont think some people "get" it.  The ENTIRE purpose of a forum is to exchange information.  If they say that you can start a thread, but only reply to it in PM's or offline emails then what f$%^kn good is the forum.  Hell I can save myself the trouble and just email 3 of my buddies and tell them I just got back from a killer flight... I find that most people want to share good experiences.  I really do enjoy reading about others flights and the exhilaration they get from flying.  But when I post up a story, get 50 people to look at it, and not one online reply it makes you feel like your story, idea etc. is not worth a shit (and some of them aren't :lol: ).

    Sooo for those of you who like to dress up with high water pants and use a pocket protector why dont you try a little :beerchug: lighten up and let others enjoy this hobby life blood we spend most waking moment thinking about.


    :beerchug: < this makes it all good

  10. akflyer

    "The search for truth implies a duty. One must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true."

    Albert Einstein

    When in doubt, tell the truth. --Mark Twain

      Mark Twain

    The Flyin Philosopher....

                                         who is going flyn now cus MY engine starts.

    Tell the truth...damn you cant be married....

  11. 84KF

    "The search for truth implies a duty. One must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true."

    Albert Einstein

    When in doubt, tell the truth. --Mark Twain

      Mark Twain

    The Flyin Philosopher....

                                        who is going flyn now cus MY engine starts.

  12. eskflyer

    Hey no more friggin idle chatter and stick to the damn subject and be totaly serious for once . I can stand this any more all this crap and no good ideas from a couple of crazy guys lmfao.  :beerchug:  :siterocks:

    OK it wasnt the seal oil , its that darn leftover wooly mammoth crap the oil company's are making into gas these days and it is varishing and gumming up real bad just like the pic you posted Steve. .

    As for how many Alaskan's it takes , Enought till we get r dun lol . Heck steve without your input we would be lost without a real tech to give us good sound advice on how to check the muffler bearings or such .

    Fly safe and check the finger strainers everyone  :2cent:

  13. akflyer

    Looks just like the crap I got our of my tanks wheni bought my plane . It had been sitting in Dallas Ft Worth for 3 years not flying full of gas or should i say full of gummy used to be gas . When we steamed the tanks out there was still a residue that even MEK would not take off very easy. The tank outlet finger strainers were ruined and not cleanable . I say it is just varnish from crappy gasoline .

    Just my opinion and we all know what opinions are like .


    Oh oh oh I know i know, pick me... they are like assholes, and on this forum I am one :lol:

  14. akflyer

    back to the topic..Last time I flew it was when I putthe new 72" prop on his plane.. I went from a 68" high pitch blade IFA to 72" low pitch.  I had checked the jetting as the temps had dropped but was still getting higher than normal EGT's.  I just pulled the power back, dialed in more pitch to get the EGTs down and flew around...Now it hits home.. I attributed the higher EGTs to having less pitch and the engine not workin reality, I was running out of fuel and trying to burn it down...hmmm. maybe we should learn to listen to the plane when it is trying to tell us something..

  15. 84KF

    Maybe poor Guy was a hall monitor in highschool and got shoved into a locker a few to many times.  :lam:

    When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

      Geoffrey F. Abert'>"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large.

    When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life."

      Geoffrey F. Abert

    "I'm slowly becoming a convert to the principle that you can't motivate people to do things, you can only demotivate them.

    The primary job of the manager is not to empower but to remove obstacles."

    --  Scott Adams

    "Watch out for the fellow who talks about putting things in order! Putting things in order always means getting other people under your control."

      --  Barbara De Angelis

  16. akflyer

    Well I would say he is directing that at several guys...Dave refuses to put the sig up to... you know what really kills me is his line of thinking.  First he says something along the lines of ..We want you to put your name and location etc. as a signature to help make the list a more friendly, personable place... then you get  :nutkick: for trying to talk and be friendly...  MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND...
