Activity Stream

Activity Stream

  1. C5Engineer added a post in a topic On the water   

    Nice picture! I'd love to get my float rating one day!
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  2. larrym added a post in a topic Fabric or metal Flaps & Ailerons?   

    I would keep to the method that the drawings used. Flutter can be a real problem here, and the results of flutter is not good.

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  3. EDMO added a post in a topic Fabric or metal Flaps & Ailerons?   

    Thanks Robert,After some thought about all the work to finish metal nose ribs for the flaps and ailerons, and I have the rear tapered metal part already made, I am seriously considering making 1/4 inch plywood ribs and attaching the metal ribs to the wood ribs and partly gluing and partly riveting aluminum skin, which I already have, to them. I believe that will be the easiest and fastest way, although the wood ribs add weight.
    I need to finish this bird and get back into the air while I still have a J3 chase plane.
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  4. EDMO added a post in a topic On the water   

    Congrats Nate - You are treading water where I never dared to go - after being brought back from drowning when I was young, I never went into water without a life preserver and don't wear one when flying, although I have thought about it several times.
    BTW: Your "Mighty Mouse" symbol is the best I have seen on here! I always smile when I see it.
    Good Flying,
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  5. EDMO added a post in a topic Mk IV with wing extensions - specs\p0   

    I think I remember Leni Akflyer, saying that the Kitfoxes could get off a few feet shorter than his Avid??EDMO
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  6. EDMO added a post in a topic Fabric or metal Flaps & Ailerons?   

    Robert,Thanks for answering anyway - I had hoped for more to respond, but it is a lot easier to "Kit-build" than to start designing or redesigning. I don't blame anyone for not taking on my headaches.
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  7. EDMO added a topic in Files and Forms   

    Here are drawings of the Kitfox 2 and 4 ribs for comparison, including the rib for my Leading Edge extension and the modification line for the rear portion of the Kitfox 2 rib to make it comparable to the Kitfox 4, or Harry Riblett modification explained in Doug's post on "VGs on Bottom...".
    You can copy this and take it to a copy shop for a full sized print. Just have them enlarge it to match the yardstick with your measuring device.
    My lines may look crooked, because the paper was not flat enough.
    Hope this helps someone make better ribs from the undercambered ones to give a better cruise speed for their bird.
    • 19 replies
  8. flattie45 added a post in a topic On the water   

    It's not really a skylight; the windshield just comes back to the spar carry through. There's lots of visibility and a fair amount of head room though. Once I'm back in town I can get a photo of what it looks like/ It'll be another week and a half.
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  9. High Country added a post in a topic Fabric or metal Flaps & Ailerons?   

    If weight is not a factor either way I would think that the aluminum would be more durable. however if you already have a fabric wing you will treat it as such in use/storage and this shouldn't be a concern and you will probably already have enough covering materials left over to cover these as well so you may save some money to put back in the gas tank. guess i didn't help huh
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  10. High Country added a post in a topic McCarthy River Sunset Picture   

    Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, The skies proclaim the work of his hands
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  11. High Country added a post in a topic On the water   

    Very nice!! I really like your paint job. I see you have a raised skylight. how much is it raised and what is used to fair it back down into the wings? i've been thinking of building new butt ribs to raise mine. any pics would be awesome Good luck getting signed off with the floats.

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  12. High Country added a post in a topic Mk IV with wing extensions - specs\p0   

    are you looking to buy a specific plane or to build these wings? my kit came with the speed wing but i built it on HH spars to HH specs just used the speed wing rib profile except for the first 3' which was higher to accommodate the HH wing tanks.
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  13. EDMO added a post in a topic Go America!   

    I was raised with the old saying, "Work hard, go to church, get married and have kids."
    Now I am old and tired and retired with a small pension, and my social security fund was raped by the politicians during the Johnson days to fight the totally useless Viet Nam war, and got 58,000 of our young men killed! This was similar to Truman's boondoggle in Korea about 15 years earlier, when over 30,000 were killed.
    We now have a President "King" who does not believe in the Constitution, circumvents Congress, and his "Green Energy" has helped bankrupt America and has killed jobs in the coal and oil fields and everywhere else and has driven up prices, and he makes fuel out of our food supply, and has driven up health insurance beyond means.
    And now, he has stolen $700 Billion out of the Medicare funds!
    He got elected by the welfare, socialist, crowd and other stupid people who are parasites on the working people.
    I was also raised with the old saying: "Smile - things could be worse." And I smiled?
    Have a nice day!
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  14. EDMO added a post in a topic Mk IV with wing extensions - specs\p0   

    Bob, I forgot to put this in the answer to your PM: From what I hear, the Speedwing ribs are not the same as the later Kitfox ribs. Harry Riblett designed the Kitfox ribs for faster cruise with the long wing. The Kitfox wingspan was about 32 feet compared to the 29 foot Avid wingspan.
    As soon as I get some colored markers, I will post a photo in "files" showing the difference in the early and late Kitfox ribs, and some mods I have made or plan to make - just so everyone knows.
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  15. flattie45 added a topic in Avid fox flyers pics and vids   

    On the water
    I have found out that an aircraft can float, if enough money is thrown at it!
    I managed to find a set of Edo 2000 floats for the Sedan. I know it's a little late in the summer to get on floats, but better late than never. I have been signed off to solo, and am waiting for my schedule and the examiners schedule to sync up.
    It's a blast, and something I should have done years ago.

    • 7 replies
  16. Av8r3400 added a post in a topic Go America!   

    "Professional Victems" I call them. I have a couple in my extended family, too.

    Plane lazy is the reality. They spend all their efforts trying to game the system to make money for nothing. These are the famous 47% that Romney was referring to.

    There is now less than one third of the country employed paying for the other two thirds. This is not sustainable.
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  17. lv2plyguitar added a topic in Avid fox flyers pics and vids   

    McCarthy River Sunset Picture
    Went fishing with Randy and Leni at the McArthur River.  Was able to take one picture before the camera died and it happen to be a nice sunset.

    • 3 replies
  18. C5Engineer added a topic in Forum How-to's   

    How to Embed a Youtube video
    This seems to be coming up a lot lately so I here is a short Tutorial on how to Embed a video using the forum software current as of August 13.
    Step 1.

    After you have copied the link just come back to the forum and hit Hit Ctrl+V. This is the same thing as right clicking your mouse and copying and pasting something. You do NOT need to use any of the tools of the forum. Just put the link into your post.

    Then just submit your post and the forum software will automatically embed the video for all of us to see. I used a different video than the picture because I like this one...Yours truly at the 30 second mark. That video has over 250,000 hits..scary!

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  19. C5Engineer added a post in a topic Crash Lone Pine California   

    Tragic reminder of the impossible turn

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  20. lv2plyguitar added a post in a topic Crash Lone Pine California   

    I have always thought that if the runway was suitable to immediately start a drift to left or right of runway so that is something did happen a guy could turn out and land.  I know in practice with my CFI that a straight out departure and low altitude makes it almost impossible to do a 180 and land without stalling the plane.
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  21. Mendlerr added a post in a topic Go America!   

    I have a distant family member who knows how to work the system, makes me sick.

    He just got a 4 million dollar disability settlement from the now "bankrupt" state of Michigan. Yet he still works as a chef full time making decent money. He gets a regular paycheck and is paid in installments every month on the settlement. He's been doing this since he was 18, he's 30 now.

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  22. Mendlerr added a post in a topic Crash Lone Pine California   

    Happens a lot. A buddy if mine just had to repair an RV-7 wing for a fellow who took off with the fuel set to off in Virginia. Engine quit at 300 ft agl, he managed to get it turned around and on the runway but drug the wing pretty badly on the Tarmac. Most people would not have been so lucky at 300ft
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  23. C5Engineer added a topic in Hardcore Avidfoxflyers   

    Go America!
    Another race fueled load of Bullshit....
    Just one snipit from the article....
    Why go to work when you can make more money hanging out and having kids with multiple men?? How are they getting gov't disability checks yet working at a fruit stand?....Grrr... I swear everytime I read the news I am either disgusted or pissed..don't know why I even bother.
    Whatcha got Ed? Your posts always make these all better....
    • 4 replies
  24. C5Engineer added a post in a topic Mk IV with wing extensions - specs\p0   

    Standard span was only 29ft and with the flat bottom speed wing the takeoff and landing peformance was nominal. Takeoff distance was much longer than a STOL wing and the increase in cruise wasn't very signifcant. Most people that had them either swapped them for STOL wings later or added an extension kit to the Speedwing that Avid produced because they recognized that a standard length speedwing was not meeting customer expectations on performance. No matter what wing you have with the 582 80-90mph is probably a realistic cruise speed. I've seen guys pushing 105 mph that are real careful about fairings and have a Jab or 912 for power.
    Here is the Speedwing extension kit that Airdale was selling
    What wing to build depends on your mission. If you plan on flying light and off of pavement most of the time you would probably be fine with a Speedwing. If you are wanting to blast out of a 500ft grass strip fully loaded with camping gear STOL all the way!
    A lot of people have groundlooped and tore up these airplanes on standard bungee gear. They require some respect for sure but there are also gobs of them out flying just fine with it including myself as well. The wider gear does make them handle a lot better on the ground.
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  25. tbucket added a post in a topic Mk IV with wing extensions - specs\p0   

    [Was it a standard speed wing MK IV that they put extensions on or was it a full length wing that was extended? I have flow an extended speed wing and it was a pleasure to fly!]
    Hi everyone just a quetion about this. what is the extended length that everyone is talking about? sorry for the dumb question I am just trying to figure what wing to build for an avid mark 4 with a rotax 582
    Bob in Florida
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