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Content tagged 'ribs'

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  1. I am looking building a set of speed wings for my Avid Mk IV s/n 1492.  In 94 I built my heavy hauler wings with the fiberglass tanks that came apart and contaminated my fuel, then I went to the poly tanks but there is a lot of unuseable fuel etc. etc.
    Does anybody have a speedwing rib I can trace or can somebody do a full wing trace?  My plan was to draw the airfoil on CAD and waterjet cut the rib centers, make a wing jig and glue up the cap strips.
    Anybody help?
    Tim Morris
  2. Post on Kitfox 1 wing. in Kitfox I

    By Browning, posted
    Is anyone making, or is there a source for new ribs. Thinking about a total wing rebuild with all new part .