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  1. So I've watched the old Avid promotional video on YouTube quite a bit.  It clearly states that you can put a 250 lb. person in the back, but then it says ingress is through the turtle deck.  Seriously?!?!  The other problem is, everywhere else I look, they say 150 lb. is the max in the baggage compartment.  I have two small kids that only weigh about 120 lbs. total.  I already tried to buy one magnum off barnstormers but some guy from Canada beat me to it.  I found another that I can try to buy but I'd like to hear from anyone who has flown them or been around them.  Is it significantly narrower in the baggage compartment?  Will it really hold 250 lbs?  What is ingress/egress like getting to the baggage compartment.  Don't get me wrong.  Sometimes my kids seem like baggage, but I'd still like to get them out after an unscheduled stop.