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  1. I’m starting the conversation in THIS room, as I expect it to have the most constructive of the criticism to come. That being said…
    I’ve been talking to the lady trying to pedal Avid. She’s the daughter of the late owner trying to sell it on behalf of her mother-in-law. I’ve also been taking my best estimates (truly guesses) and trying to figure out how anyone could purchase the remains of the business, pay a fair wage, keep prices reasonable and make any return on their investment. Apparently, my estimated figures weren’t too far. I’m basing that on the investors looking at the actual numbers which didn’t move forward.
    So… here’s the big Hail Mary. Form a 501c3 non-profit, form a board to perform the required functions associated with a non-profit, organize a crowd funding campaign to purchase the equipment and plans for the official community, source the craftsmen (persons) within the community to produce the parts according to skill and ability to maintain a baseline supply. This can be community members “moon-lighting” as long as the quality is maintained. The jigs, molds, patterns would be signed out to the members as contractors. They would be producing for a pre agreed price per piece and all parts would be routed back through the custodian(s) for Quality Control before shipping to the end user. The prices would stay fair the community would get quality parts again and the community members can exercise their skills to earn extra cash. An aircraft company owned by the community who flies them… it would put the GA industry on its ear!
    There are WAY more details, obviously. That is just the basic outline. Tear it up! Please, do try to make it constructive.