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Content tagged 'avid c type speed wing' in Topics

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  1. I've just completed 40 hours on my C type Avid Speed wing (200 hours total) I was told it would take me this long to feel at home in her and I have to agree with that.
    Compared to a nose wheel C42, Sky Ranger or similar aircraft the Avid especially the speed wing might be a bit of a challenge to some. However the bottom line is that Flying the AvidĀ  will, if you are not already make you a better Pilot. This really is seat of your pants flying and you have to learn to feel the aircraft.
    If you like a challenge and enjoy the grin factor involved with getting a greaser then the Avid/fox must still be the most bang for your buck aircraft around.
    Those of you who know what I'm talking about might enjoy this video.
  2. I'm thinking of buying this avid speed wing I think it's a C type but I'm told that it over heats with someone in the passenger seat it's only got 15 hour on the engine silver/grey top 582. It all looks fairly standard so;
    What are the best ways to cool an engine with this type of installation?
    Alan von Stark