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Posts posted by tbucket

  1. Ed where did you order your capstrips and if you don t mind me asking what did it cost you?

    thanks Bob

  2. [Was it a standard speed wing MK IV that they put extensions on or was it a full length wing that was extended? I have flow an extended speed wing and it was a pleasure to fly!]


    Hi everyone just a quetion about this. what is the extended length that everyone is talking about? sorry for the dumb question I am just trying to figure what wing to build for an avid mark 4 with a rotax 582

    Bob in Florida

  3. Has anyone come up with a solution on this subject I have bought an avid that I am rebuilding and it did not come with the motor or anything firewall forward it has to be completely rebuilt including the covering I want to use a Rotax 583 engine on this aircraft any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks Bob

    Never heard of any engine needing a belly rad and 2 cheek rads together. Believe there must be something wrong with system or engine.

    ED in MO