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Posts posted by zach.lenning

  1. I agree that there's no one plane that will fit my mission perfectly. I've vacillated a lot due to my ignorance and fighting my way up the learning curve, but here's what I now think I want (it may be out of my price range, but I'm looking for a flying one anyway): Anything with folding wings that can be handled by one old crip of a man (Kitfox?) with a 912 that will get off the ground reasonably short with a good rate of climb and a decent service ceiling. I do not need a lot of instruments and bells and whistles--I'm looking for something really basic. I just now heard about the KF-4 -1050 and -1200 versions. Do you/y'all have any websites to recommend? I must be doing something wrong in my searching . . .

    Twister, Hi, I'm really new on here, but have been reading alot of the threads. Learned more about avids and kitfoxes here in two days than in weeks elsware. That said, I have bumped into some interesting tidbits along the way. keep trying different searches. Also, are you a Kitplanes subscriber? They have all their old articles online these days. Can search them by topic. Good soarce of info for all kinds of stuff. Good luck, I hope you find your dream bird soon! (keep an Eye on They have at least a few birds like these on there, most of the time.)