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Everything posted by saskavid

  1. saskavid added a post in a topic Double TW spring updgrade   

    Looks real good Joey. I notice that the new spring has attachment provisions for 2 bolts to be used to attach to the ac frame. Was your plane already setukp for that or did you have to do some drilling and other finingilling to make it work?How wide is the top spring before it was ground down to fit?


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  2. saskavid added a post in a topic Performace   

    What we could be dealing with here is a case of elevator authority or a lack thereof.Gap seal the elevator horiziontal stab gap and put some vg's on the underside of the tail. Don't skimp on how many you put on.I went with cci vg's and used most of a full kit on the tail.If your plane has an elevator trim tab then you have a true mk 4 elevator size wise if not then your elevator is around 15% smaller.Of course, getting the cg back to 16 or more will help the elevator work more effectively.

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  3. saskavid added a post in a topic Go Kart to Matco Brakes   

    That you are starting with fresh disks and pads, don't forget you will have to burn in or condition everything so as to transfer some organic resins from the pads to the discs for best performance.Basically just ride the brakes with 3/4 power or so slow taxiing for a given distance (look at the matco site for full particulars)to warm everything up. let cool down and should be good to go...provided you dont end up with a pesky air bubble slowly rolling out of the caliper just after you figured it was all clear.(been there)I'd also check toe in/out and do a bit of taxiing to see how everything behaves relative to what you were previously used to.

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  4. saskavid added a post in a topic Blown tire   

    Yikes!How much butt pucker, or did you even have time?Are your tubes and tires original, or do you know or can even tell?I know for a fact mine are which makes them around 20 years old, and show no cracks or other ill effects. Did you per chance hit something on the runnway causing a puncture or did the tube separate/split? glad to here all is ok?
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  5. saskavid added a post in a topic Pic request   


    You're the one who recommended Joey look into the pedals I designed.I'm thinking you must have have handled the ones I did for Jack King.the whole Idea behind the design was to create something effective and quick to get reinstalled on already up and running planes.Numbers wise the setup has 5.3 leverage ratio in static position and with activation around 3.5.I did a rudder bar/brake pedal mockup on a bench hooked to a pressure gauge and can wrap a 600 psi gauge using single thumb pressure on the top of the pedal.(the Matco troubleshooting page puts 600 psi as a more or less top end base line for there systems)I did bench test the stock avid /mc5 setup and you are hard pressed to make 250 psi with that last 50 creeping into the picture about 5 seconds after you wanted to have the airplane stopped I've taken some flak over my pedal ratio claims in the past.larry martin was first to use the mc4 type ram to improve leverage, he went with an mc4 extended to attach right at the top of the pedal, ending up with just under 2.5 pedal ratio under activation. I followed his lead and went with the 6.5 ram trying to target a little more leverage (3.5)then made the necessary structural revisions to the pedals when I realised they were keeping the system from spooling up the nessicary line pressure.(pencils out to a 33% line psi improvement)
    larry also had people tell him he was "out to lunch" so to speak in his pedal ratio numbers...What I want to clarify here and now is that the methodology both larry and I used in our calculations , at it's origin , came directly from George Happ the president and r+d head of matco mfg...sooo I think the leverage values I'm quoting are in pretty good standing.

    The 2 piece pedals are a bargain but they aren't cheap so to speak. I'm guessing I had 200 hrs of brain sweat into the design before they ever became an in hand working product.The best stick welder I know told me I couldn't build this 2 piece pedal design because the machining tolerances were too tight and the welding would seize everything in a lump...end result proved him wrong. What I'm charging ends up being an hourly rate less than $20, so it is a bargain but the work is a real time eater.

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