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Everything posted by chopndrag

  1. chopndrag added a post in a topic Blocking off the Oil Injector 582   

    Yeah and engineer and oem aren't necessarily a good thing either . I used to do contract work for the likes of Boeing, Lockheed and Nasa to name a few. Several times us so called builder's had to tell the engineer there stuff isn't going to work . They would argue and throw a fit . We proved to them time and time again that there is a thing called over engineered. Taking something already complex and making it worse by adding more stuff to it . If people don't mix there oil and fuel right that's on them , theres ratio cups that are easy to use. If you wanna be a a$$ do it to someone who hasn't seen a desk jockey engineer have to swallow his pride and walk away on numerous occasions where his so called design was the best thing since sliced bread. Look at all the new piece of crap cars we have . They might as well be computers it makes no sense to have that much crap to run a simple spark , air and fuel engine . 
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  2. chopndrag added a post in a topic gas door cylinder   

    Here's what I bought for my mkIV they work great

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  3. chopndrag added a post in a topic Moving the throttle position   

    I'm pretty sure almost everyone here flew spam cans at one point . Those are pretty much configured like our avids . Only difference is we have stick vs wheel . Throttle is in the same spot and the same all together. I'm left handed and flew many stick and rudder planes with my right hand controlling and left for throttle. Avid is a easy plane to fly the way it is and the throttle set up works great . 
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  4. chopndrag added a post in a topic Moving the throttle position   

    I use the push button system . It works in GA planes and in my opinion is better . You can adjust your idle with a twist . Moving it might be a pain in the ass with having to make a new system. 
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  5. chopndrag added a post in a topic Blocking off the Oil Injector 582   

    I've heard the same thing but having a injection system fail in a dirt bike and having to push it about a mile in sugar sand was it for me . I just stick to pre mix and that way I know exactly what my plane is running the same mixture all the time .
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  6. chopndrag added a post in a topic Blocking off the Oil Injector 582   

    Nope just the system itself . All I did with mine was remove the tank ,cable and hoses . I left my injection in because of it being a pain in the ass because of the position.
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  7. chopndrag added a post in a topic Blocking off the Oil Injector 582   

    Remove everything related to the oil injection and either make or buy a block off plate where the oil injection was . Easy job to do .
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  8. chopndrag added a post in a topic gas door cylinder   

  9. chopndrag added a post in a topic gas door cylinder   

    I just went through all of this with mine . I ordered 50lb struts and they work great . I believe I posted pictures of what I bought on the yahoo avid site in the pictures section.
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  10. chopndrag added a post in a topic Avid Flyer Decals   

    I agree with that and that's usually what he does for my shirts . So far my shirts are holding up great . He asked about the sticker stuff too I guess he's going to do a couple of those first as a little test . 
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  11. chopndrag added a post in a topic Avid Flyer Emblem   

    My brother is going to make a couple sets and was wondering about the sizes . Mine just had a small avid sticker so I couldn't tell hime any sizes.  He could just make them to order too along with other stickers and what not . 
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  12. chopndrag added a post in a topic Avid Flyer Decals   

    My brother is asking what sizes people would want . He's doing a test run for me 
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  13. chopndrag added a post in a topic 150 performance   

    There's a guy at Zephyrhills that does a lot of touch n gos with his champ . Sometimes he holds it in ground effect and sometimes he pops it up . When stays in ground effect a little longer and gets his speed up he definitely climbs out better.
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  14. chopndrag added a post in a topic Replacing hoses on a Rotax 582   

    I made a loop around the vise handle and held it tight while my dad wrapped the bungee with thick safety wire then we used electric tape around the wire . It's held up for 2 years so I am going to do it like that again. 
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  15. chopndrag added a post in a topic Replacing hoses on a Rotax 582   

    I had a failure on a dirt bike when I was younger and ever since then out it goes. Plus I've heard that with injection in the plans the ratio varies up and down . A 582 says 50:1 so that's where mines at . A ratio cup and some oil tucked away could take place of your oil tank with a compartment. When they sold penzoil pints that was simple for me it was one can per 3 gallons to get my 50:1 . I now use the brp oil that comes as a gallon and when flying long enough to refuel I fill a few of my empty penzoil cans and mix it on in . Several ways to skin a cat as they say but that's what I do . As for the bungee I think I ordered mine from ebay and made it . There's a YouTube video by someone named kitfox flyer I believe. Anyway I watched his video and my dad and I had them knocked out in about 30 minutes. I used 3/8 size bungee and it's holding up great but it's also coming up on 2 years and I plan on replacing them .
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  16. chopndrag added a post in a topic 150 performance   

    You are right 3300ft over a 50ft obstacle still seems like a long distance. I'm in Florida and at around 100 msl . With the hot air and humidity I still haven't flown a 150 that had that low of a performance. 
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  17. chopndrag added a post in a topic Replacing hoses on a Rotax 582   

    I would honestly get rid of the oil injection but that's just me . I went to the auto parts store for all my hoses . If it's been sitting that long you might as well replace them all . That way you can have it in your logbook and the hours on the hoses would be the same . Unrelated but just something I do is change my landing gear bungee every 2 years . I figure it's under constant load just sitting to so might as well put in fresh ones . I pretty much do the same with engine hoses . With them sitting there could be internal rotting. I learned the hard way with that one . When I got my plane it just had a annual done and I inspected the hoses before every flight. I missed a small pin hole in my fuel line going to my front carb and on taxi , take off it was good . I reached about 200ft and had a sudden loss of power. I skimmed the trees and landed . I pulled the cowl looked around didn't see anything. For some reason I grabbed my fuel lines and saw a little fuel come out . I replaced it and the problem was gone . I learned that even if it looks good for being a few years old replace it anyway . I was always taught there's no pulling over in the air.  
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  18. chopndrag added a post in a topic 150 performance   

    When I was first getting my license I remember the 150 never performing all that great with 2 people. It's a old heavy plane with a small motor and seeing 400fpm on climb was normal. You gotta remember it's old , tired and meant for building hours and cruising around . Anyone who flies knows that if you put 2 adults in any plane fly off a grass strip with hot and humid conditions it's going to perform way more different. When I had my last biannual it was in a 152 and after flying my avid for a year the 152 felt like it was never getting off the ground but it did and at climb out it settled into it's 400 fpm climb . Old airplanes are like old cars , you cant expect them to perform like the new versions that are lighter and more efficient. Now for me if it took 3300ft to get off the ground with 2 people on board in grass I would've probably stopped my take off attempt about half way down the runway . I've never seen a 150 take that long even with full fuel and a couple heavy weights on board . Just my 2 cents but hell in real life it's probably only a 1/4 cent . Just remember in any airplane if a take off or landing doesn't feel right there's nothing wrong with aborting the attempt and trying again . 
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  19. chopndrag added a post in a topic My model C   

    No clue I haven't seen one I'll have to take a look.  Just looked mine will be darker grey . I'll also have more green with my strut braces and stuff like that the powder coated purple my spinner is.
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  20. chopndrag added a post in a topic My model C   

    It's going to be a charcoal grey color with lime green stripes . Going with the old school hot rod paint job . 
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  21. chopndrag added a post in a topic My model C   

    Looks good I can't wait until I repaint mine I'm jealous.
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  22. chopndrag added a post in a topic Aileron attachment rib end repair   

    Man it makes me wish I this cnc table router built already. I would be able to cut this stuff out easy.
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  23. chopndrag added a post in a topic A few pics from this weekend   

    Thanks didn't know about it . I just emailed my home airport Zephyrhills and asked if we could start having fly ins . We have one of the nicest and friendliest airports around and they don't do anything to promote it .
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  24. chopndrag added a post in a topic A few pics from this weekend   

    I just got the app . Thanks 
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  25. chopndrag added a post in a topic A few pics from this weekend   

    I wish the flying community around me would do the same . I'm in Florida and never hear anything about local fly ins . Seems like it all stopped about 10 years ago.  I might have to talk to the airport I'm at about having some sort of fly in.  Just not sure if there would be a turnout. 
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