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About marksires

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender Not Telling
  • Location Florida - no more 18 below for me!

marksires's Activity

  1. marksires added a post in a topic Not aircraft related, work bench   

    Very nice!
    • 0
  2. marksires added a post in a topic Avid D Model?   

    There was a transition period between C and MKIV that was initially called a 'D'.  I had serial number 941, and it had some, but not all of the MKIV changes, and all the build manuals called it a 'D'.
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  3. marksires added a post in a topic Avid Floats   

    Still for sale, I'll call you later this week.
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  4. marksires added a post in a topic Float molds for sale   

    Given I haven't had any nibbles on my floats, I'd guess not proceeding was a wise business decision!
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  5. marksires added a post in a topic Float molds for sale   

    If you want floats, I have a set of genuine Avid floats for sale, only a couple of hours away....
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  6. marksires added a post in a topic Do I have an Avid Flyer C, HH, or Stol?   

    I've changed the pictures from HEIC (iPhone native format - sucks and nobody else uses it) to jpg and here they are.

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  7. marksires added a topic in For Sale and wanted, you got it, I want it   

    Avid Floats
    I've moved my Avid on to another owner, but he wasn't interested in the floats.  Original Avid floats, not amphibs.  I have the floats and the water rudders.
    I'm in Florida.  I'll post pics when I get a chance.
    $1,000 + shipping
    • 2 replies
  8. marksires added a post in a topic Avid Flyer Tyre Pressure   

    Those are old tires - Armstrong has been out of business for a long time.  Someone bought them, and I have the exact same tires with the new name, but can't remember it.  Anyway, when I got mine, I foolishly put the max psi - bad idea, it makes an already difficult ground handling airplane really squirrely!  I think I found in the Avid build manual that 8lbs is the desired air pressure.
    • 1
  9. marksires added a post in a topic New FG Panel   

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  10. marksires added a post in a topic Broken tube repair sugestions   

    Jim beat me to it, but I'd also want a good look at the inside of that tube - it looks like there is a lot of rust around that crack.
    • 1
  11. marksires added a post in a topic Avid Construction Manual   

    My model C build manual is actually called a model D build manual, which I guess was the original name for what became the Mark IV.  Mine has most of the MK IV mods, like the cheek radiators and the round tail.
    • 0
  12. marksires added a post in a topic Waht is the Avid + (Or plus)   

    That tube would carry the impact loads from taildragger main gear (the forward main gear mounting points, nose wheel main gear go on the mounting points behind) to the rest of the fuselage structure I think.  Basic structure looks similar to my model C, but I don't have any good pictures of mine to compare it with.
    • 0
  13. marksires added a post in a topic The big “Hail Mary”!   

    Common misunderstanding of Non-Profit.  Non-Profit doesn't mean the organization can't charge (Hospitals being a prime example), and it also doesn't mean it can't make a profit - no organization can survive if it doesn't make a profit.  What it means is those profits are entirely invested back into the organization, and none are distributed to the benefit of individuals (shareholders/investors/etc.).
    This probably wouldn't meet the bar for a 501(c3) however.  The 'benefit to the community' part would be a tough sell.  Focus on the educational aspects, and it might fly. (Pun intended)
    • 2
  14. marksires added a post in a topic Affordable rivet squeezing   

    I don't think there is any hillbilly there.  I didn't see any baling wire or duct tape in use 
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  15. marksires added a post in a topic elevator gap seal   

    For those that live where water can be solid, make sure you apply it to the top of the elevator only - on the bottom can trap water and freeze the elevator in place.
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