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About motortommy

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  • Location Germany

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  1. motortommy added a post in a topic case of disaster or to live one`s dream   

    More Oratex... (meanwhile I learnt to like this stuff).


    I cut the quarter windows and fabricated a small fiberglass frame which I glued on the backside. Finally, the window will be bolted in inside. will be several patches to reinforce the covering where cuts were required.
    • 4
  2. motortommy added a post in a topic case of disaster or to live one`s dream   

    ...some more progress
    - installed new powder coated controls including new all AN hardware, some wires, headertank, fuel lines, carbon stringers...
    - prepared paper pattern and cut first Oratex
    - couldn`t resist covering the belly although the manual states `don`t practice covering process on your aircraft, but only with wooden sample frame'.
    Worked well (but for sure is maybe the easiest section).
    Still or again have a lot of fun seeing development  

    • 3
  3. motortommy added a post in a topic case of disaster or to live one`s dream   

    just new floorboards, but finally I have floorboards 
    (fiberglass/foam core, stainless steel sheet, painted)

    • 4
  4. motortommy added a post in a topic case of disaster or to live one`s dream   

    long time no update...
    work, family, house refurbishing and flight lessons are only few excuses why my bird is not flying yet again. Honestly had disillusioning moments during the rebuild. But fortunately finally all the small achieved objectives puzzles together so hopefully there will be a flying plane again someday...
    partial success
    rebuilt 582 with all new cylinders, pistons, crankshaft,...
    new wingtips

    reworked fuselage, blasted, painted and smoothened out for Oratex

    next put back header tank/fuel lines, wires for trim, ACL and antenna and lots of reaming prior installing all new AN hardware...
    • 4
  5. motortommy added a post in a topic new rudder springs   

    Thanks for taking care!
    Good point to start from. No need for too strong springs as only purpose is preventing slack, right?
    • 0
  6. motortommy added a topic in Kitfox IV   

    new rudder springs
    I need new rudder springs, but unfortunately have no usable samples.
    Has anybody rough spec. (dia./length/spring rate). I`m located in Europe, so ordering via mothership isn`t an option... Thanks!

    • 6 replies
  7. motortommy added a post in a topic Bush gear failures   

    Dusty, any updates regarding the PU pucks setup? 
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  8. motortommy added a post in a topic Bush gear failures   

    I like to get back to the PU spring strut and its setup...
    Using 5 pucks (4x red 90shore + 1x yellow 80shore) should give attached results according to manufacturer spec.
    As a base I used coil spring data. I`m worried that this PU setup might be too stiff, means only minor movement and or no comfort at all! The data would result in 0.548" strut travel during normal landing. This means approx. 1" vertical movement of the gear (w/o tire deflection)...
    Would be interesting to know, how much movement there is with a classic bungee gear.
    So far, i have only rough data at least also inaccurate due to metric/imperial transformation. I will put a test strut into a hydraulic press to measure travel according to applied load.
    Any thoughts or hints?  

    • 0
  9. motortommy added a post in a topic Kitfox IV 582 vs. 912(80hp) only   

    Thanks Jim for your helpful insights! Not always easy to make right decisions at an early stage of a rebuild (even for a less experienced pilot with no idea of Kitfox flying). As long as I´m limited to 80hp (by ultralight approval) I decided that an engine swap is too much of a task at he moment. First I want to finish my rebuild and get the Kitfox back in the air. Second I want to build up/improve my TW skills (pure newbie). Later I will see how to proceed...       
    • 0
  10. motortommy added a topic in Kitfox IV   

    Kitfox IV 582 vs. 912(80hp) only
    I know that this topic has been discussed several times, but anyway I would like to ask for some real life experiences. There should be folks who meanwhile have experience with both 2 and 4 stroke powerplants…
    Due to microlight regulation I`m interested mainly in comparison of 65(582) vs. 80 hp (912). So no focus on 912uls, zipper, edge,… options
    Is the swap worth the effort? Why/why not?
    Aside from short following pro and con list, how did your Kitfox IV changed? What real life numbers did you gain?

    cost (engine, mount, prop, accessories,…)additional weightno ideal installation with early mount (oiltank, carb position, …)approval procedure neededno quick and easy swap (cowling, cooling System, avionics,… are affected)…
    improved reliabilitysimplified operation proceduresbetter resale value of the planeincreased performance (cruise/climb)…
    Thanks for any insights!
    • 2 replies
  11. motortommy added a post in a topic Kitfox 4 build # 2   

    Nice Jim, following along...
    would you mind telling the measurements roughly (width)?

    Thanks Marc
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  12. motortommy added a post in a topic Model 4 manual question?   

    like this? (sorry written numbers are metric conv.)
    • 1
  13. motortommy added a post in a topic Mr Alfredo Palmero   

    maybe you want to get in contact with FredStork aka Mr. Avid/France 
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  14. motortommy added a post in a topic case of disaster or to live one`s dream   

    overhauled 2 Rotax C gearboxes.
    Cleaning, glass blasting, Propshaft checked. All bearings and sealings new. Hope they`re good to go again ...

    • 1
  15. motortommy added a post in a topic IV fuselage repair - measurements   

    Thanks, great! I will study. Looks like a more modern abstract of
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